Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
that shyt was funny as fuk tonight.....kevin was straight etherin duane martin lame ass the whole episode 

the show's getting funnier each episode. kevin and jb are GREAT together they crack me up. i never rewatch episodes so soon but i caught the new and rerun of the new. and was laughing harder
wish i recorded it, when jb text him about the taco party i was cracking up
when kevin and robin were fighting and jb was yelling about the taco party i was on the floor rolling
kevin told boris to give tyra her forehead back. this ep was one of the funniest i seen in a long time
I don't know... I liked Episode 1 best. 2 was equal only because it started off slow, but once Kev met up with Robin? I thought it peaked from that point on
"Its a shyt fest up there" and just everything that happened when he was arguing with his assistant? Yeah
This episode was somewhat funny, but I didn't really have an laugh out loud moments in this episodeTaco party shyt was funny for a moment, but ripping off an AT&T commerical can only go so far...
Yeah VERBATIM they jacked that commercial.I don't know... I liked Episode 1 best. 2 was equal only because it started off slow, but once Kev met up with Robin? I thought it peaked from that point on
"Its a shyt fest up there" and just everything that happened when he was arguing with his assistant? Yeah
This episode was somewhat funny, but I didn't really have an laugh out loud moments in this episodeTaco party shyt was funny for a moment, but ripping off an AT&T commerical can only go so far...
[ame][/ame]Episode 1 was really lacking for me. My love for these dudes was almost forcing me to laugh at them
Can you post a link or something?
Even the whole "Creeps" line that he used on Robin Thicke.