stop trying to be The smart one and pay attention to 100's of years of social engineering. ALL OF US are brainwashed to some degree. lets not fool ourselves. Thats what happens when you treat a minority group like this for this long. But you probably not nothing about psychology, or you dont no MUCH about it. You can't compare american blacks to any other group of people that come to the US. they have a completely different history. They may have had to deal with some stuff back home where they're from. but for one they actually know where they are from. They dont need to run to to hopefully trace their dna back to their roots. That alone is a reason for why we dont operate as a GROUP, like these other people do that come over here.
Do you know what it would be like if say 10 million black people hopped up and moved to China. Chinese was not our mother language. It was not our culture, etc. we would for the most part ban together as a big group of american blacks living in china trying to make things happen. Just like these other groups do here.
But here at Home. truth is, we should not have to do that. THis is OUR country TOO. Its a gift and a curse that this is the case. because we are upset that we have to scrap for crumbs like some foreigner that just got her 2 weeks ago. when our ancestors built this country with their blood sweat and tears. WE deserve everything we ask for and then some. Non of these groups have to deal with that mental anguish here in the states. because non of them have that history. except for Native Americans. Who were here already and was darn near wiped out. For those who think you can just do it on your own without the white man's permission even though he has all the weapons and the money and the resources. but again they at least know their true heritage. they dont have to goto either.
you can think for yourself all you like and when that cop pulls you over cause you're black. it doesnt matter if you think you are super smart or not. You just got profiled for being black. and it aint a da.n thing you can do about it. imagine that happening to you and your people for 100's of years but worse. also hanging, shooting and killing you as they please. while you see your white counterpart doing the exact same stuff and not being touched by these cops. that visual effect will also harm some peoples psyche.
Real shyt