You making excuses for the backtracking and you doing it without facts.
You obviously didnt see the Donald Trump roast when Snoop made a joke about how Donald wanting to run for president wouldnt be the first time he kicked a Black family out of their home...This was in 2011. Snoop is from the westcoast and he knew what was up....You cant make excuses for these rappers. And you talking about rappers who are 18-23
The link I posted was mostly from rappers who were in the 90's and are older then me......
Also...That Bruce Jenner comparison was terrible.....Donald Trump was discriminating Blacks from residencey and calling for the death penalty of Black teens before rappers started dikk riding.....The info was out prior. Bruce Jenner became a tranny all after the fact...That was a real bad comparison. Craig Mack cant see in the future but the Donald Tip riding rappers damn sure had access to Trumps past.