YES!!!! Nubia-Kemet (aka Egypt) Is Where We ("Niger-Congo"-Bantus) Came From..Own It


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
This thread will bring out all of the undercover Cacs on this forum who "gaslight"

"Psychologists use the term “gaslighting” to refer to a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions. And it's always a serious problem, according to psychologists."
these arguments (@Mhofu @BlackJesus i.e) The ancient Kemites or iKami migrated into inner Africa (West, Central, South Africa, America) after the Persian invasion. I took time to lay out the context to this history in the thread below. Please show it some love!



















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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Some people will say focus on West Africa.....What does one of the most dominant groups in West Africa say about their origins?

"Oral traditions of the ruling Abrade (Aduana) Clan state that Akans originated from ancient Ghana. The Akan people migrated from the north through Egypt and settled in Nubia (Sudan). Around 500 AD (5th century), due to the pressure exerted on Nubia by the Axumite kingdom of Ethiopia, Nubia was scattered and the Akan people moved west and established small trading kingdoms. These kingdoms grew and around 750 AD the Ghana Empire was formed. The Empire lasted from 750 AD to 1200 AD and collapsed as a result of the introduction of Islam in Western Sudan, due to the zeal of the Muslims to impose their religion, their ancestors eventually left for Kong (i.e. present-day Ivory Coast). From Kong, they moved to Wam and then to Dormaa (both located in present-day Brong-Ahafo region). The movement from Kong was necessitated by the desire of the people to find suitable savannah conditions since they were not used to forest life. Around the 14th century, they moved from Dormaa South Eastwards to Twifo-Heman North West Cape Coast. This move was commercially motivated."

Here are more sources supporting what has been written about the Akan's Hapi Valley Origins.

The Cultural Impact of Resettlement into "Sub Saharan Africa"

One of the games that genetically recessive Devils love playing is pretending to not know the racial wars that occurred throughout ancient Northeastern Africa (including the so called "Middle East") and the subsequent events that followed. These events include the constant migrations from the Northeast African homeland into interior regions of Africa including Southern, Western, East and Central Africa. As displayed in the early part of the previous section, the denial of our earlier genesis in Northeastern Africa is the weapon used by Western scholars to prop up their false narrative of our-story. The call our people by contemporary locations rather than our actual names (i.e "West African") to set this narrative in stone, and from that will make entire fallacies on genetic origins as it pertains to that field of research.

Migration from the Hapi Valley in the 6th century B.C.E.

Original homeland of the Bantu up to 1500 A.D
Dark shading: Possible ultimate origin of the Bantu
Cross shading: Area of Bantu expansion into Kemet


Bantu Migration Routes from Cush and the Island of Meroe


From Alfred M M'Imanyara's "Restatement of the Bantu Migration".



There were many other civilizations that had been established since our migration from the Hapi Valley around the 6th century B.C.E. The first civilization to be noted to have arisen around this period was the Nok empire in modern day Nigeria. Though the empire is dated to around the mid 2nd millennium BC, it took off technology after the 6th millennium BC with the contributions of those who had recently migrated into the region via Nubia-Kemet.

Nok Civilization (Modern Day Nigeria)
1,500 BC - 500 AD


"The Nok culture of northern Nigeria, a civilization that existed from approximately 500 B.C.E to about 500 C.E., is principally known for its terracotta figures. Relatively little is known about the purpose of these figures or the civilization that created such extraordinary sculptural representations of its people...This work depicts a person of high status wearing elaborate beaded jewelry, and with a crooked baton on his right arm and a hinged flail on the left. These are symbols of authority also found in ancient Egyptian depictions of the Pharaohs and the god Osiris. The Nok culture existed during the late Pharonic period and intra-African trading could have spread Kemetic influences" - Met Museum


The problem with the latter part of the explanation given above as to how Kemetic influence wound up in West Africa is impossible. There were little to no people in tropical West Africa to trade with prior to the Late period. In fact much of West Africa was uninhabitable swamp land all the way up until around 3-2 B.C.E.. Even after that climatic phase there is still no evidence of large settlements of Niger-Congo speakers in tropical West Africa (the Twa were there however) until around the Kemetic Late Period. This period again is when great biological change is attested by most anthropologist to have occurred in ancient Kemet according to consistent anthropological studies.

Iron Production Diffused from the Hapi Valley into Interior Africa

The production of iron was also a huge technological trait created in Africa (Oboui is the oldest known production found in what is now the Central Republic of Africa) that characterized Hapi Valley civilization (particularly the later Kush), and the spreading of Niger-Congo speakers. It was around this same time as the Nubian capital city Napata was switch to Meroe that a large migration from Kemet into various regions of Sub Saharan Africa occurred, which was around the 6th century B.C.E. This was also around the time that iron smelting first entered West Africa (Nok civilization and a Cameroonian site slightly south of it). All of our people did not leave the Hapi Valley during the 6th century B.C.E.. Some remained in Mereo until it was conquered by Axumite Empire. A few nation states like the Wolof of Senegal left Egypt at much later dates, such as when the Arabs invaded in 639 C.E.

The Nok empire was founded around 1,500 and 1,000 BCE. The appearance of this civilization's foundation prior to the 6th century BCE is likely due to earlier migrations from the Hapi Valley triggered by the constant wars (the first World War- a race war) brought on by the Tamahu. The disappearance of the "Negroid" ;element of the ancient Egyptian Late Period population noted in the study cited above (Goode 2009) is explained by the emergence of that same "Negroid" element in South, Central and West Africa. The Cushytic Africans became the dominant face of the region after that point. The Nigerian Nok civilization springs up during that time. The introduction of iron which was Hapi Valley technology was seen in the Nok empire during 6th century BCE. Not only iron ties the Nok to the Hapi Valley, but the Nok also retained ancient Hapi Valley beliefs and principles in spirituality as demonstrated with the following artwork;


note the crock attached to the Nok's "Seated Dignitary"'s arm


Ausar's Crock and Flail

More Commonalities between modern "Sub Saharan Africans" and ancient Hapi Valley cultures


While on the topic of Nigeria, other states with a direct link to Kemet did in fact arise. The Yoruba are another group of Nigerians who have an origin in Northeastern African civilization, and specifically Kemet. The story of the origins and migration of the Yoruba patriarch Oduduwa is a testament to the entire thesis of this piece.






Mummy of the Obi Ijeh of Idumuoghu,Ibusa, Nigeria From Oscar Pfouma "Histoire culturelle de l'Afrique Noire": 





On the top, is an ancient Egyptian "paddle" doll, courtesy of the British Museum; in the middle, we have Ashanti examples of the fertility doll, and third image is yet another example of fertility dolls common amongst the Akan.

Fertility dolls are a fairly common theme in Africa, from the Akan speaking groups of Ghana to the Donguena, Evale, Hakawama, Himba, Humbe, Kwanyama, Mukubal, Mwila, Ndimba, Ngambwe, Ovambo and Zemba people of the semi-desert areas of Angola for example, and it appear that the ancient Egyptians were no different in this aspect.

A little trivia on the Egyptian "paddle doll"...

Such dolls are usually found in Upper Egypt and Nubia. When complete they have faces and hair of clay. Hair may also be of faience beads. This one is missing its hair. A number have been found dating to the second half of the 11th Dynasty from tombs in the neighbourhood of Deir el Bahri and are common at Thebes. However, at least two have been found in earlier tombs at Beni Hasan and one at Rifeh. Another was found beneath the Ramesseum at Thebes dating to the 13th Dynasty (Bourriau 1988, 126-127). Most are of 11th Dynasty to Middle Kingdom.

The marks on the body are thought to be tattoos or scarification and the end of the paddle, it has been suggested is an exaggerated pubic area. That such dolls are found mainly in female graves has led Egyptologists to suggest that these are fertility figurines put in graves to ensure fertility in the afterlife. - Courtesy of SWANSEA UNIVERSITY.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
What does DNA say??

To address the evidence of the dispersal from the Hapi Valley of that original Bantu population from Nubia-Kemet. For comparison purposes I will repost these maps below. The next spot that we migrated into from Kemet was back south into Kush/Nubia.

Original homeland of the Bantu up to 1500 A.D
Dark shading: Possible ultimate origin of the Bantu
Cross shading: Area of Bantu expansion into Kemet


Bantu Migration Routes from Kush and the Island of Meroe


The evolutionary history of Southern Africa Francesco Montinaro1,2 and Cristian Capelli1


On the map below notice how the Hapi River Valley and particularly around northern & central Sudan along with middle & southern Egypt is the most noticeable abnormality on the map below for their complete absence of Africa's most frequent genetic marker Y-Dna haplogroup E1b1a. Coincidentally this is the exact same region where the Bantu Homeland and expansion is given by African scholar Alfred M M'Imanyara (maps above) decades prior to the heavy reliance on genetic data (compare the map below to the black and white maps of the homeland and expansion above). The migration map with the arrows above explains the genetic marker's current distribution in the map below. It's like plugging the pieces of a puzzle. The exert cited below from S.O.Y. Keita places the M2 lineage in Northeast Africa as well.

Distribution of Y-DNA (male DNA) haplogroup E1b1a/E-M2 lineage (predominant African American lineage)

The Distribution of E-M2 and it clades in Central and Southern Africa has usually been explained by the ‘‘Bantu migrations" (which occurred 3000-2500 B.C), in which agriculture and iron technologies spread from the Bantu's homeland located in the Benue complex i.e. Nigeria/Cameroon’’ But their presence in the Nile Valley and in other Non-Bantu speakers Can Not be explained in this way. E-M2 distribution is probably explained by their presence in the populations of the “Early Holocene Sahara”, Who went on to people the Nile Valley in The mid-Holocene era (12,000 B.P.) according to Hassan (1988). Keita and Boyce; Boyce, A. J. (Anthony J.) (2005). "Genetics, Egypt, and History: Interpreting Geographical Patterns of Y Chromosome Variation".
The East African origins and spread of E-M2 (the most common genetic marker in equatorial Africa) depicted in the map below verifies the oral traditions of the of the Niger-Congo speakers in the West, South and Central regions. The map shows our migration from the area of Sudanese Nubia, but obviously neglects the northward migration of the M2 lineage into Kemet. In essence we're just taking the map for what it's worth. This migration into West, South and Central Africa however did not happen until the 6th century BC.



Niger-Congo Kemetic descendants:

Transatlantic slave trade routes (numbers are over exaggerated)


a(Ancient)DNA Results


STR Testing Results Confirming Genetic Affinities between Ancient Kemetic Pharaohs and Niger-Congo speakers
(DNA tribes and DNA Consultants Analysis)

DNAconsultant Analysis
"The Akhenaten Gene. Named for the pharaoh who attempted to convert Kemet to monotheism, this autosomal ancestry marker like most of the Amarna family group’s DNA is clearly African in origin. Akhenaten received it from his mother, Queen Tiye.... But it is mostly absent in Asia and the Americas, except where brought there by Africans or people carrying some African ancestry. About 1 in 6 Africans or African Americans has it."


The King Tut Gene. Tutankhamun is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya....Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other alleles it has a widespread, albeit sparse distribution outside Africa. Still, Africans (and African-influenced populations) are ten times more likely to have it than non-Africans.

DNAtribe Analysis

Recent genetic analysis of two separate New Kingdom families. This first one is King Tut's family (Amarna):


Geographical analysis of the Amarna mummies was performed using their autosomal STR profiles based on 8 tested loci.Results are summarized in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 1. Maps for individual Amarna mummies are included in Figures 2-8 in the Appendix.

Discussion: Average MLI scores in Table 1 indicate the STR profiles of the Amarna mummies would be most frequent in present day populations of several African regions: including the Southern African (average MLI 326.94), African Great Lakes (average MLI 323.76), and Tropical West African (average MLI 83.74) regions. These regional matches do not necessarily indicate an exclusively African ancestry for the Amarna pharaonic family. However, results indicate these ancient individuals inherited some alleles that today are more frequent in populations of Africa than in other parts of the world (such as D18S51=19 and D21S11=34).


Peer Reviewed DNA analysis of Ramses III and his son

We amplified 16 Y chromosomal, short tandem repeats (AmpF\STR Yfiler PCR amplification kit; Applied Biosystems).........Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1⇓); using the Whit Athey’s haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a


DNAtribes follow up.

These results indicate that both Ramesses III and Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer) shared an ancestral component with present day populations of Sub-Saharan Africa..A previous issue of DNA Tribes Digest identified African related ancestry for King Tut and other royal mummies from the Amarna Period. In this issue, results indicate that the later pharaoh Ramesses III also inherited alleles that are most frequent in present day populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This provides additional, independent evidence of Sub-Saharan African ancestry (possibly among several ancestral components) for pharaonic families of ancient Egypt....In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express population changes in Africa after the time of Ramesses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day populations of Southern Africa and the African Great Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links with ancient populations (formerly living closer to New Kingdom Egypt) that have expanded southwards in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years (see Figure 1)





All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Recent DNA Testing Confirms that Every Pharoah Genetically Analyzed is a Black African

The mechanisms used by the DNA companies above have been verified, and the conclusions have been found to be accurate by 2018 peer reviewed study:


Results that are likely reliable are from studies that analyzed short tandem repeats (STRs) from Amarna royal mummies5 (1,300 BC), and of Ramesses III (1,200 BC)6; Ramesses III had the Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1a, an old African lineage7. Our analysis of STRs from Amarna and Ramesside royal mummies with popAffiliator18 based on the same published data5,6 indicates a 41.7% to 93.9% probability of SSA affinities (see Table 1); most of the individuals had a greater probability of affiliation with “SSA” which is not the only way to be “African”- a point worth repeating.”

FROM: -Gourdine JP, Keita SOY, Gourdine JL, Anselin A, 2018. Ancient Egyptian Genomes from northern Egypt

2018 MTDNA also Confirms a Black African Genetic Affinity for Early Dynastic Kemet


Schuenemann et al. 2017


Recent And Highly Publicized White Racist Attempt to Mislead the Public About Genetic Affinities of this Ancient African Civilization. Segments of Western academia are revamping their racist deceptive tactics with genetics as they have done with anthropological studies in the past (i.e. Brace 1993).

(That is an example of a Mayonnaise Party)

Gourdine JP, Keita SOY, Gourdine JL, Anselin A, 2018


Despite their deceitful efforts the leading authority on the matter bio-geneticist SOY Keita has once again halted their white lies dead in it's tracks with a peer reviewed rebuttal to that nonsense released in 2017. This rebuttal was never publicized the way that the initial fallacy was or at all... If it's not already known, mainstream media outlets are nothing more than platforms for a white supremacist agenda, and with CNN making an entire segment dedicated to this feculent study it confirms without a shadow that it is a racist network that should be canceled (even during political season) by our people.


Consistent Cranial and Archaeological Evidence Confirms that Early Ancient Kemites were Black Africans all the way throughout the history until the Late Period:

"On this basis, many have postulated that the Badarians are relatives to South African populations (Morant, 1935 G. Morant, A study of predynastic Egyptian skulls from Badari based on measurements taken by Miss BN Stoessiger and Professor DE Derry, Biometrika 27 (1935), pp. 293–309.Morant, 1935; Mukherjee et al., 1955; Irish and Konigsberg, 2007). The archaeological evidence points to this relationship as well. (Hassan, 1986) and (Hassan, 1988) noted similarities between Badarian pottery and the Neolithic Khartoum type, indicating an archaeological affinity among Badarians and Africans from more southern regions. Furthermore, like the Badarians, Naqada has also been classified with other African groups,
namely the Teita (Crichton, 1996; Keita, 1990).

Nutter (1958) noted affinities between the Badarian and Naqada samples, a feature that Strouhal (1971) attributed to their skulls possessing “Negroid” traits. Keita (1992), using craniometrics, discovered that the Badarian series is distinctly different from the later Egyptian series, a conclusion that is mostly confirmed here. In the current analysis, the Badari sample more closely clusters with the Naqada sample and the Kerma sample. However, it also groups with the later pooled sample from Dynasties XVIII–XXV. -- Godde K. (2009) An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development? Homo. 2009;60(5):389-404."

Pale People like to resort to the "racially ambiguous" Northern Kemetic populous, because their skulls were not consistent with Niger-Congo speakers who dominated in southern Kemet. Their attempts are in vein as the study below shows. C.A> Diop has argued that early Northern Egyptians were Dravidian Indians, which I agree with.

A plethora of anthropological, archaeological, and genetic studies confirming the Africoid origins of Hapi Valley civilization here and here.
As displayed with the Jebel Sahaba skull (Pleistocene Nubians) earlier when the word "Negroid" is being used it is in reference to the Niger-Congo speaking, E-M2 lineage carrying African populations (except in some cases the vast "Sub Saharan" regions diverse black populations are regarded as one). Our skull shape is the most unique of everyone else (somewhat close to the aboriginal Australian skull however, but everyone can spot the facial distinctions) as a result of our prognathism, wider teeth, and wide nostrils African. (African Origins of Civ -165) Below is a "Negroid" skull from Kerma (Nubia) whom the pre-dynastic Kemites cranio-metrically overlapped with;


So Who in the Hell are Modern day "Egyptians" And Do They Have A Link To Ancient Kemet?




Needless to say that the modern inhabitants of "Egypt" today are generally remnants of those late period "Caucasoid" invading populations along with some Africoid groups who remained along the Hapi (mostly in Upper Egypt and the rural areas) River aside from the Niger-Congo speakers over the last 2,500 years. We know that most modern Egyptians (particularly urban northerners) cannot possibly be the physical representation of the ancient Kemites, which is based on consistent anthropological (which is the accurate measure of a person's physical appearance) studies that find a distinction in racial types between the Late Period Egyptians and the early Dynasties.


Logically with the physical and genetic distinction going as far back as the Late Dynastic Period the modern Egyptians in the major cities of the North especially bear no physical resemblance to the ancient Kemites. Those African ethnic groups that have remained in modern day "Egypt" are Cushytic and Nilotic (with some genetic remnants of Niger-Congo admixture in southern "Egypt" per SOY Keita 05'). When scientist lie and say that the "Egyptians" of today are genetically descended (or have "continuity") of the ancient Kemites they are referring strictly to the continuity of one African segment of the diverse African Hapi Valley population. That segment is the "Cushytic" branch of Africans who have remained on the Hapi and mixed with the pale Devil invaders, and this is evident through their paternal characteristic E1b1 (formerly called "E3b")/M-215 (green) still seen in "Egypt" today.


The real descendants of the founders of ancient Kemet in the main are highlighted in the dark-mid green (E) along with A & B on the map above as explained through the evidence laid out before it. Most of the impostors in modern day "Egypt" know this themselves. Notice however she can admit that the "Cushytic" /Hamitic branch of Africans was present in ancient Kemet, but she actively rejects the truth about the Bantu populations having established the civilization or even being there.


How is this woman who works around the artifacts of our ancestor not reminded of us? Clearly she is lying and there is also clearly a conspiracy on the part of the "Caucasians" both Western and Semitic to deceive the people about the stories of these ancient African civilizations.

The Cushytic Africoid element is still dominant in the southern regions of modern day "Egypt", and has remained somewhat (a little Arab admixture) in tact since early Dynastic times.

"Genetic continuum of the Nubians with their kin in southern Egypt is indicated by comparable frequencies of E-V12 the predominant M78 subclade among southern Egyptians."

[Hassan et al. Y-chromosome variation.." Am J. Phy Anthro. v137,3. 316-323

These modern southern Egyptians and northern Sudanese (the same people genetically) are in fact remnant of an ancient Africoid (Cushytic) element (meaning not the full representation) of the ancient Kemetic population. The urban people who live in the North (who look like mulattos) are relatively recent migrants from various different invasions. Further explained below.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I think i first read this in..


Matter of fact here's the quote from the book;

"It was pointed out that the study of the Blacks must begin in Egypt
because most of their indestructible monuments are there ; and, further,
because many of the artifacts archaeologists have been uncovering
during the past seventy-five years as "Egyptian" are in fact "African ."

Yet the very "Heartland of the Race" and the cradle of civilization were
actually further south below the First Cataract, centered around the capital cities of Napata and Meroe .
From there black civilization spread
north, reaching its most spectacular achievements in what became

known as "Egyptian Civilization ."

Destruction of Black Civilization
Pg 44-45


And Dr. C.A. Diop from the African Origins of Civilization


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Dec 15, 2019
Obviously. Most of Sub-Saharan africa descended from Egypt. Subsaharan Africa shares too many similarities with Kemet for it to be coincidental. Except for pygmy brehs.

Cheik actually goes into historical accounts from Nubian, and Greek contemporaries that sailed down the west and East coast of Africa pre-Rome. They noted an especially short race of wooly haired, sun burnt people on the coasts. It is assumed that they were the original southern inhabitants


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Obviously. Most of Sub-Saharan africa descended from Egypt. Subsaharan Africa shares too many similarities. Except for pygmy brehs.

Cheik actually goes into historical accounts from Nubian, and Greek contemporaries that sailed down the west and East coast of Africa. They noted an especially short race of wooly haired, sun burnt people on the coasts. It us assumed that they were the original southern inhabitants

Agreed! It's just so annoying when you have these white ass kissers, telling blacks especially African Americans- Caribbeans to focus on West Africa. They say that as though those whom they are referring to as West Africans (or Central or Southern) did not ultimately come from ancient Nubia-Kemet.


Aug 1, 2012
props i been known this though, egypt was just one of many bread baskets at the time. people need to stop being so egypt focused, let them claim it and let them explain how people who cant stay under the sun without ph formula cream was building with bricks in hot ass africa.

when you know why all the dominate nations flag colors are red, white and blue. you are on your boys level, come on up. we need the masses. :wow: