I think Orton does need a heel turn for a number of reasons, but the IWC needs to stop acting like that's gonna fix his problems. Face or heel, he needs a meaningful feud. The reason he's going nowhere as a face he's put in feuds with people who are going nowhere. He just got out of a feud with Del Rio, who was going nowhere as a heel, and now he's about to get in a feud with Sheamus, who, now that he's out of the world title scene, is going nowhere as a face.
And really, the only thing separating a face and a heel these days is which wrestlers they feud with. I say keep Orton as a face for the time being, then after Punk drops the title, they feud, with Punk saying that he took Orton's spot (which he did), and then THAT leads to a heel turn once that feud is over.