I think very deeply
Breh what's happened to Tottenham? :peas:
I loved Tottenham man. There used to beef at times between Edmonton and Tottenham but you know I'm Ghanian so I had fam there in Bruce Grove and Ferry Lane What's happened to it? That's childhood memories man
LOOOL Waltham Forest is that the one that you pass on the 123 on way to ilford it's massive. I only went there once cos someone I knew was having some dance show. I memba it. Monoux was such a waste school everyone I knew who went there was waste lol
You're gonna miss TFL trust me. No where compares to London transport wise :homersnoop:
I miss the convenience
Yeah, now and again there's beef between Edmonton and Tottenham, but I'm from Tottenham anyway so that little bullshyt never concerned me.
Tottenham is becoming more eastern european unfortunately. They're TOTALLY revamping Tottenham Hale and changed the road system into a maze so you're not even sure where to drive. I heard they were thinking of extending the congestion zone down there, but I doubt they'll stretch it that far. They're gonna knock down the flats by White Hart Lane train station and build condos, so you know what that means. Overall, it's just losing it's identity and not the same as it once was. They're already slowly working on Upper Edmonton although admittedly it needs some work cos

The 123 bus, yeah. I used to catch that bus everyday. It also passes by Monoux. I'm not sure what the situation is between the two colleges now, totally different times from when I was there, but they always used to have some shyt to say against us and we'd pretty much give them the

One thing I can say about London is that although this city has it's faults, the transport system (when it runs on time