They want people to come back to offices and patronize local businesses
But tax incentives for commuters living outside of NYCThey want people to come back to offices and patronize local businesses
<insert the Big Boi "I know that ain't who I think it is" gif here> Mr. Of course I'm good at math, I'm Asian.
They want people to come back to offices and patronize local businesses
For actual New Yorkers he's looking to reduce public transportationNot at the expense of actual NYers
suburbanites are already highly subsidized, stop playing dumb, do not reinforce white supremacy
Yang had made headlines at a mayoral forum in Flushing on Monday when he said the city should be open to “re-examining” the car-free route, which runs between Northern Boulevard and Sanford Avenue.
On Tuesday, Yang, whose own website touts the success of 14th Street as a model example of the type of public transit he’d like to build throughout the city, reiterated that he does in fact support busways — just not necessarily that busway.
“I generally support busways throughout the city. The Flushing Main street busway I have heard numerous community complaints,” said Yang during an unrelated campaign event in Brooklyn. “What I said was, look if this is a relatively recent change and there are some effects … then we should be open to pluses and minuses on the change and I think that openness is appropriate, but generally speaking I’m very pro busways. I think they are very positive.”
But Yang admitted that his opinion of the busway — which only started rolling on Jan. 19 after months of delays, including a lawsuit that momentarily stopped it in its tracks — was guided only by speaking to business owners and private car owners, who lamented their perceived inability to drop off their relatives at the curb for doctor’s appointments, not any of the actual 150,000 daily commuters who ride one of the 11 buses that traverse Main Street.
hes a fukking libertarian. how many times have I had to say that over the last 2 years????What happened to him. During his BKClub interview, he had a lot of progressive ideas.
And is Jin even living in NYC?
I understand wanting people back in the city but his plan is very inefficient, it's giving companies tax breaks to get people back in the offices.He's right. Office spaces are decimated and thousands of unions cleaners are out of work because of work from home, and that wont change without some incentivento come back.
Thats not even counting the revenue lost from restaurants, parking, tolls, etc.