nikkas love to talk about the importance of mental health but they have spent a month terrorizing a young black man just for clicks and likes
And monetizing it under the guise of they care about him. The price of fame.
Did the same to Jay and his family.
I'm glad you guys are being honest. That it's brehs doing this. Because the usual "they" culprit won't play here. It's time for brehs to look at how we using social media to bring each other down.
Turning a tool into a weapon.
Agreed. These KOONS are crabs in a barrel forreal
KOONS: **slander fellow Black man on platform owned by a
Also KOONS: “
other minorities have power, it’s an agenda 
White men like VLADTV and Adam22 saw the undeniable reality of Black men having a bloodthirsty desire to slander OTHER Black men because of internalized anti-Blackness, and turned it into a thriving Business-model.
The new business model is DIGITAL SLAVERY.
VLADTV and Adam22 have Black men on their platforms generating money. Often willingly for free, but they don’t mind paying since it’s so lucrative.
• Black men are the capital, like enslaved Africans were the capital.
• Those mentally enslaved Black men on their platforms/plantation, are helping sell the slander and caricaturization of OTHER Black men for clout and money.
• While also selling their portrait rights in the process, leaving VLADs of the world with ownership of the footage to control and profit off in perpetuity.
So when any of those Black men they interview actually dies or goes to jail, they get paid ALL OVER AGAIN with “flashback” drops.
This is the same thing as white people literally having insurance on their slaves, in case they died during the trans-Atlantic Slavetrade.
All while spreading the Black caricature image & sowing divisiveness with their interview style as a guarantee for returning future profit.
nikkas love to play victim and point the finger exclusively at white ppl, ignoring elephants in the room with us for the whole world to see.
Black men play crucial and thriving parts in issues Black men have.
It’s an uncomfortable Truth that anybody with eyes and a functioning brain can see.
It’s such a blatant undeniable truth, that white ppl were able to successfully streamline it and turn it into a business-model.
The business model of Digital Slavery on their platforms they own.