reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
You ever see a mf who just looks like their breath stinks? That’s you
you really hurt, huh breh
You ever see a mf who just looks like their breath stinks? That’s you
you really hurt, huh breh
Stop projecting, you stank breath looking mf
Peace and love to you, breh.
you do know i'm mexican and some african as well right? but even after people realize that sh*t they still don't wanna acknowledge cuz it don't fit their "narrative"
"nahhh nahh, it don't count it don't count"
the F*ck it does
you do know i'm mexican and some african as well right? but even after people realize that sh*t
@C-Styles I have questions. 1)what led you to think that you could go bar for bar with a Brooklyn dude?
2) i think you should stick to pushing in your weight class- Like @Crumple; that’s more your lane.
3. Looking like the great value Paxton from Hostel- the irony that @A.V. lyrically tortured you like him too.