This controversy is just one big dog whistle. The way alt righters/white nationalist recruit non-racist whites to their side is to appeal to some imagined sense of unfairness that is taking place against whites. This is why you see people with takes like, "Oh nrs is saying that a black ethnostate is okay but a white one isn't", or "Look they're saying whites where the only ones who practiced slavery", or "Jax is saying if not for the existence of whites, the world would be a utopia".
Now, ofcourse, none of this is remotely indicated in Jax's actual ladder ending, but those ppl throwing said accusations around are dishonest actors, so they will ignore certain things like Jax stating he kept manipulating the timeline until he created a better world for everyone, or make baseless assumptions like the black country Jax is living in is pro segregation/anti white because they only saw black people in the final shot.
The point is, these people are dishonest, they don't actually believe the shyt they're saying, they're just doing whatever it takes to manipulate some white person closer to their ideological position. Its all fake.