It's really obvious why this is...
Women are drawn to alpha males and masculinity...
Something I would always explain to my ex about why black male masculinity is so skewed is because of propaganda (my favorite thing to study).
Propaganda is long form of P.R or "public relations" (look it up). Not to get too long winded, it's legal brainwashing.
In Brooklyn we have these big statues of all this "great" white men, who raped and oppressed our people. These statues are fukking huge shrines to white men. Think about that... what does that do to the psyche of the black child growing up seeing these towering figures. NONE of which are a reflection of you? SUBCONSCIOUSLY that tells you that you are inferior.
So apply that to nerd culture... she's into Star Wars huh, she's gonna wanna fukk Han Solo. She's into wrestling? She's gonna wanna fukk Shawn Michaels... etc.
Because in her mind, those archetypes represent masculinity.
John Wanye, Clint Eastwood, Robert Deniro, Arnold, Stallone, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, William Shatner, Green Lantern, Capt America, Nathan Drake etc.
If your growing up reading, watching and playing videos games to the point of superfandom (even if it's casual) u more than likely gonna want that shyt.
Whites have done such a good job of painting up there image as demigods. They understand media and they understand how to play people's perceptions of them, and of themselves.
One quick story, when I was growing up I loved wrestling (still do). My uncle was a real street cat in BK, and he also was a New Black Panther in prison, went to war with Aryans, Skinheads, shyt like that. Very socially conscious cat.
He would come in and catch me watching wrestling...
"Why you watching that? Hulk hogan is a p*ssy."
"No he's not, he's a real American hero"
"Nahhhhh look at this nikka, lol, fat gut steroid sucker, if I seen Hulk Hogan in the street I would slap the shyt out of him and he wouldn't do nothing."
"Bu Bu Bu Bu"
"You think Hulk Hogan could beat me?"
"Well no.. I guess you right"
Now that we older we laugh about that shyt, and he explained to me that was all about teaching me not to idolize white men as being stronger/more dominant than myself and yes he still would whoop Hulk Hogans ass lmao.
These broads fukk these white guys because they have self image issues. Or maybe they just ummmmmm... like them lol. But a lot of times they just don't see that strength in their own men.
Every black person has this issue in some way, unless they've programmed that shyt out of themselves.