Doobie Doo
Ok, Yesterday I was a reading a Coli thread that said Weird shyt you do if your rich and ran across a comment that said..."I would get a vasectomy and tell bytches I want them to have my baby and when they couldn't get pregnant I'd tell them they not worthy, ETC..." anyways I thought it was funny and posted the quote on my Facebook page (Don't worry I gave the author his credit plus a link to the quote cuz I'm against plaguerising).
Anyways I gotta a lotta likes and lols from people then my little 21 year old cousin comments "How can you say something like that when you have a cousin with a cyst on her ovaries who can't have children." She was talking about my other cousin whose her older sister. I wrote in the comment section "Don't know what ur talking about." I didn't know but I was hoping she'd hit me on instant message and tell me. She writes back on the post "(COUSIN'S NAME)has a cyst on her ovaries and this type of post kinda has her upset."
I immediately IM'd her up on FB and told her that it was inappropriate to air family business out publicly like that. She wrote back saying it was cool cuz her sister writes blogs about it and constantly refers to it on her page. I told her whether it's cool or not if you have an issue with anything on my page, YOU as a family member are obligated to contact me directly via IM, text message, email or phone. Don't air family issues or try to chastise me publicly on my page cuz even if your sister is cool with it I'm not interested in my FB friends knowing my family's business period or who my family members are on my page. She kept IMing me trying to justify it but eventually let it go after I deleted the entire post.
Then an hour later I get news that my uncle down south just had a stroke. An hour ago I hop on FB and my other cousin is all like "TO ALL MY FB FRIENDS PLEASE PRAY FOR MY UNCLE" Then proceeds to write a post about how it affects her along with a pic of my uncle in the hospital with tubes in him. WTF is wrong with people nowadays? I understand sharing good times with random strangers on FB (baby pics, graduation, wedding pics) but asking total strangers to pray for someone they never met is truly a sickening attempt to be an attention whore and garner some sort of sympathy for yourself in a tragic time. What is this a petition, if God garners enough prayers he's gonna overturn the stroke and give my uncle a do over? We all greive differently and I get that but why the picture of him fukked up in the hospital? My uncle was always a pretty strong healthy looking main and it pains me to see him with tubes but it's wrong to broadcast shyt pubically have people no shame anymore? Before I call her and spazz the fukk out am I wrong for thinking like this?
Anyways I gotta a lotta likes and lols from people then my little 21 year old cousin comments "How can you say something like that when you have a cousin with a cyst on her ovaries who can't have children." She was talking about my other cousin whose her older sister. I wrote in the comment section "Don't know what ur talking about." I didn't know but I was hoping she'd hit me on instant message and tell me. She writes back on the post "(COUSIN'S NAME)has a cyst on her ovaries and this type of post kinda has her upset."
I immediately IM'd her up on FB and told her that it was inappropriate to air family business out publicly like that. She wrote back saying it was cool cuz her sister writes blogs about it and constantly refers to it on her page. I told her whether it's cool or not if you have an issue with anything on my page, YOU as a family member are obligated to contact me directly via IM, text message, email or phone. Don't air family issues or try to chastise me publicly on my page cuz even if your sister is cool with it I'm not interested in my FB friends knowing my family's business period or who my family members are on my page. She kept IMing me trying to justify it but eventually let it go after I deleted the entire post.
Then an hour later I get news that my uncle down south just had a stroke. An hour ago I hop on FB and my other cousin is all like "TO ALL MY FB FRIENDS PLEASE PRAY FOR MY UNCLE" Then proceeds to write a post about how it affects her along with a pic of my uncle in the hospital with tubes in him. WTF is wrong with people nowadays? I understand sharing good times with random strangers on FB (baby pics, graduation, wedding pics) but asking total strangers to pray for someone they never met is truly a sickening attempt to be an attention whore and garner some sort of sympathy for yourself in a tragic time. What is this a petition, if God garners enough prayers he's gonna overturn the stroke and give my uncle a do over? We all greive differently and I get that but why the picture of him fukked up in the hospital? My uncle was always a pretty strong healthy looking main and it pains me to see him with tubes but it's wrong to broadcast shyt pubically have people no shame anymore? Before I call her and spazz the fukk out am I wrong for thinking like this?