You aint tell us the first thing about either chick
But I'm just gonna drop this:
Actions speak louder than words, even when you gaming/chopping it up with a chick. Many many MANY people don't look at social interactions from an ACTION standpoint, and that's where lot's of nikkas fukk up they game. You can't just focus on what you say, you gotta almost be your third own third person on the side examining the frame of your conversation.
Now when I mean social actions it's less about what they say and more about what they're doing when saying it. When you can understand that you really start getting better with chicks.
For example, if you ever get the chance (don't do it on the two chicks you finna fukk though) ask some chick about her last relationship and why it's over. Regardless of what they say, 90% usually preform the same ACTION; they shift the blame somehow to their ex boyfriend (even if they themselves cheated

) They'll say "We broke up, he didn't appreciate me", crazy ones will say "he couldn't handle me" even if they admit to cheating there will be some side cliffnote making him the reason she cheated "He was cheating too!/ he made me feel insecure" etc.
When you can recognize social actions in a convo that is looking at the FRAME. What you wanna do with frame is assume a dominant one. A lot of this is a$$holeish stuff but bytches eat it up. Dudes on the other hand just find it fukking annoying (because it is) Now some typical frame fukkups you wanna avoid
- Don't explain yourself and ESPECIALLY don't apologize and make excuses. this is called supplication. never supplicate. she don't pay your bills and if she aint give you the p*ssy you don't owe her shyt, not even an explanation.
- When she ask a question dodge that shyt, even the little shyt. At the very least turn it around and make her answer the question she posed to you before you answer it
- Make her do shyt for you. and don't ask, just tell. Doesn't even have to be big shyt and she doesn't have to do anything. Like if I walk away from my cup at a bar I'mma tell the chick next to it "watch my cup, don't let none of these pimple lipped hoes touch it"....and when you come back....instant convo
- Know when to walk away. if you at a party and she turns to talk to someone else GTFO and go mingle. Standing around will drop your chances of hitting it by the second like getting poisoned in Pokemon
anyway thats all I feel like typing. good luck