She's fine. Then, she's playing you.
Playbook - Green 42
1. Relationship with current boyfriend are not going well. Separate.
2. Girlfriend picks up another dude interest but pretends that she is feels like a 5 but she is at least a 9.
3. Dude is thinking with his balls and starts wining and dining girl.
4. Boyfriend notices and gets jealous.
5. Dude thinks he's saving her, and is the hero who rode in on his white horse.
6. Boyfriend sees dude and confronts him in front of his girlfriend.
7. Girlfriend acts coy, like what's going on?
8. Dude maintains Superman belief and gets in his grill.
9. Boyfriend slams dude.
10. Girl sees that her plan worked.
11. Girlfriend calls up dude and tells him things need to cool down for a while.
12. Dude has paid for her cell phone, a bunch of expensive dinners and lunches and coffees, $300 purse, etc.
13. Girlfriend rehooks up with boyfriend, but never lets dude know.
Game over.