YAAAAS GIRL! The Alt Right Is Fabulous, Honey! (Come REP @SavageSavant Ya'll)


Apr 16, 2015
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You sound ridiculous.

How are you mad when a white gay person is a white supremacist when many black people hold the similar disgusting views against gays. I don't understand.

You treat all gay people like shyt, even the ones that share your ethnicity, but you're upset when they turn into white supremacists?



Apr 16, 2015
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Black people have disgusting views about gays?

How about white people's views:ohhh:

White people have been murdering and beating gay people all over the world for centuries.

In America it was common to hear about a gay white person being lynched. Parents had their gay children committed and given electroshock therapy... and that was the tame stuff:stopitslime:

Nobody is harder on the LGBTQ community than white people globally:mjlol:
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Jun 11, 2012
:francis: Gay black people are black people too fam.

50% of the blame goes to the ultra conservative values black people adopted from white religion.

We all know the story of the religious zealot who shuns or disowns their child because they're gay. Kids and teenagers need to feel acceptance from SOMEWHERE for healthy emotional development. If gay cacs get to them first then so be it, theyre going to get in where they fit in.

If you want gay nikkas to fight for the community then we have an obligation to provide healthy spaces within it.

Very true. The lgbtq black community doesn't have as much strength on its own but one misconception that I've seen from almost everyone is this notion that black people are more homophobic than average and white people are accepting of homosexuality. It's strange. When one black person is homophobic, I swear someone says that all black people are that way or talk like no lgbtq black people exist. That is not a black or white thing either.

As for the racism within the lgbtq community, I would say that it's no more or less than it is outside of it but the difference is that it's more acceptable to the point where even non lgbtq people to embrace it where the only time it's considered to be a major problem or where folks don't mind it's if a white person accepts them or has sex with them. It's rare to see a black lgbtq person willing to be able to speak out about racism straight up in terms of how it is said outside of the community because there's a level of fear and intimidation where it's an issue where it cant be addressed where it might cause a real friction with white people which strange enough will speak about it when it's time to but will ignore it. That's why someone like deray mckesson is the way they are. On the low, many gay blacks and non white want to be accepted by white people or have some real self hate issues. Dunno why that is. Even among black gay people the issue of race is on some other shyt. The white supremacy mentality is also big too. It's no thing to see the whole superiority mentality being pushed around white lgbt people and inferiority mentality being pushed around non lgbt people and shyt. It's ridiculous. In terms or exclusion where the lgbtq media and corps and activist organizations intentionally ignore non white lgbt groups. They are controlled by elite white men like the HRC. They will use a non white person like the frank ocean or George Taki when it suits their interest for themselves. Basically they are using these folks as the token "you're our minority lgbt spokesperson who represents the whole entire group". Go to some site like instinct magazine and you will see 95% of white people. Honestly, no surprise just like many things in the world the lgbtq community is very segregated but in some spaces it is integrated. You'll have some nonprejudiced whites there speaking up or aren't down with the bullshyt. However, it's no surprise when the bullshyt does pop up which is why many non whites especially black lgbtq people create their own spaces and networks and media where they have their own events separate from the heavily white associated ones which exclude them to counter that.

So basically it's really nothing different than the straight world just a bit more blatant. Personally, this doesn't shock me because I'm used to seeing it and although I'm very conscious about the subject of race, racism and the whole nine, I try not to let it center everything when I'm looking at the full picture because the lgbtq realm is very complex and there's a lot of issues going on where even lgbtq people are fighting amongst themselves. It's about finding the right people to build with. Many lgbtq people white, black, man, woman, and etc just want to be accepted by someone or a group. Theres a lot of insecurity because being lgbtq is being seen as weird or a deformity and lgbtq people believe that where that doesn't fukk their minds up so they overcompensate in some way. It's rare to see a lgbtq person riding on the solo tip or is just an outcast where they are just themselves and letting other people embrace them where they aren't trying to be down with a clique or a group. Think that someone who is at the level where they aren't obsessed with being embraced by everyone or fitting into a clique and being their own person in the lgbtq is rare. It's that serious. The lgbtq doesn't teach personal independence and individuality like that sadly so if you're an introvert or someone that isn't big on being social, you might not have to worry about the dumb shyt and find the right people.
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Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
The LGBTQ, Feminists, Pro-Animal Rights, etc...all of these social justice movements are deisgned to work against black people. Either by painting us as an unprogressive group that stands in teh way of progress, which secretly is a slyly racist way of thinking that we're uncivilized and savage, or by initiating causes that work to actively undermine black progress.

And if you notice them too...they are run by white liberals...mostly, that view black people as charity cases or unable to make decisions to impact their own lives, so they have to do it for us. they all harbor secret racial resentments towards us and use the social change agent aspect to obscure it.

There is actually an insane amount of overlap between white supremacists and animal rights nuts. There is in particular a strain of thought that advocates radical depopulation measures...you can guess whose population has to be reduced. Whites have to survive because they, of all the people's of the Earth, are the only ones uniquely suited to care for it.
Anyways, didn't mean to thread jack.


Jan 4, 2017
Those blacks are at it again @RealMazen .

Here they are calling for the death of all gay people

Oh wait...sorry, that guy is white.

Here is a black 1
You seem pressed and nice cherry picking.

You didn't even answer anything I asked. You're merely deflecting.

You're basically doing what Republicans do when someone criticizes Trump:
But what about Hillary!

Tell me why most of the countries with the most advancement in gay rights are white countries while homosexuality is illegal and forbidden thoughout most of the black African countries and other black communities like Jamaica?

Homophobia is intwined deeply in the black community due to a religion that most don't really even follow.

You have many black rappers gay bashing, you have many black people calling any and everything negative gay, even on this site I've been gay bashed multiple times, called multiple slurs, told that I should kill myself etc. Y'all make multiple threads gay bashing like this one. I normally don't experience any of this on the white forums I've been to.

And I didn't even say that all black people were homophobic nor did I say all white people were innocent so stop with the straw man arguments.
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Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Tell me why most of the countries with the most advancement in gay rights are white countries while homosexuality is illegal thoughout most of Africa?

Homophobia is intwined deeply in the black community due to a religion that most don't really even follow.

You have many black rappers gay bashing, you have many black people calling any and everything negative gay, even on this site I've been gay bashed multiple times, called multiple slurs, told that I should kill myself etc. Y'all make multiple threads gah bashing like this one. I normally don't experience any of this on the white forums I've been to.

And I didn't even say that all black people were homophobic not did I say all white people were innocent so stop with the straw man arguments.

Y'all reading this bullshyt:mjlol:

Cacs...Wow! Cacs.

White countries are why "gay rights" are even a thing you moron. They killed so many gays that the government literally had to step in and create rights for a group in order to stop the average white person from killing and beating gays.

White countries all over Europe are literally fighting the elite ruling class to get back the rights to kill and murder gays. To stop marriage between same sexes, to outlaw transgender men and women.

What's happening to LGBT people in Europe?

These white countries have all the resources and weapons and continue to fight gay rights and equality.



Apr 16, 2015
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@RealMazen white people in Europe and America are fighting for the right to attack gays and remove all rights.

Look at what black Obama did for gay rights meanwhile White Donald Trump was elected to undue those laws and allow white supremacist to go back extermination of gay people
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Feb 12, 2015
White men have a history of rape'n the males of their conquered opps

White slave owners raped males slaves
The majority of black men hung by crackas had their penises cut off
And kept ass reminders

Ancient Rome was a place where male on male sex was for pleasure and male on female sex was more for procreation

White men are inherently evil bigoted and bisexual


That's why the overwhelming majority of child rape cases are crackas:manny:
Add participation in exploitative international sex slave trade as well. When I was in Thailand, old disgusting white dudes gripping little Thai children's hands stuck out like a sore thumb. Disgusting.:scust: