XXXtentacion shot and killed in Broward County


For Hire Gunslinger!
May 11, 2012
Havent even been reading this thread but this shyt still got me heated. Dude was genuinely one of the most talented artists in music. For a teenager to be making that level of music is crazy.

Dudes in here stay exposing themselves. Worst than some of them racist cacs you supposedly hate. Dude was never convicted of shyt and deserved his day in court like everybody else. He said some wild shyt but it just seemed like it was more of a cry for help than anything. Dude reminds me a lot of my younger cousins growing up. Wild kids who acted out cause they didnt get enough love and attention at home. In and out of juvie. Disobeying their moms. Ditching school to be in some street shyt. And from the outside looking in they just seemed like some dumb ruthless thugs. But you speak to them one on one and you know within a few minutes they're smart and humble kids. They're just products of their environment. Products of their upbringing.

And I think that's why X had this young generation so captivated. They were able to relate to him. They finally had a young rapper who was speaking about real issues. Real emotion. Real pain. Not just rapping about selling drugs and fukking bytches. The younger generation hasn't had an artist like that in a long time. Dudes fans really worshipped him and it makes sense. X was definitely on his way to super stardom. shyt is fukked up.

X could have definitely found redemption from his past if he were give the time to mature. Yes, young people can do some stupid shyt, and he did some really fuked up shyt to that girl (if true) But nothing he couldn’t come back from in terms of his public image.

What got X killed is his over confidence, his cockiness that no one would could really hurt or kill him.

The universe was warning X about possible turmoil ahead. He got humbled twice in California ( once in daygo and once in LA) but his attitude towards life didn’t change much. Yeah, I get he was trying to better himself. But the ego was still very much there.

The way he moved through his own hood like he was chosen and no one could touch him is exactly why he’s dead today.

No excuse to be caught lacking to that degree when you are famous rapper who raps about street shyt. You just asking to get killed.


Aug 12, 2012
I noticed mods on here love to put in their two cents in these threads alot more than years ago.

You would think they were posters and not staff members.

What happened to the good old days?



Aug 12, 2012
Havent even been reading this thread but this shyt still got me heated. Dude was genuinely one of the most talented artists in music. For a teenager to be making that level of music is crazy.

Dudes in here stay exposing themselves. Worst than some of them racist cacs you supposedly hate. Dude was never convicted of shyt and deserved his day in court like everybody else. He said some wild shyt but it just seemed like it was more of a cry for help than anything. Dude reminds me a lot of my younger cousins growing up. Wild kids who acted out cause they didnt get enough love and attention at home. In and out of juvie. Disobeying their moms. Ditching school to be in some street shyt. And from the outside looking in they just seemed like some dumb ruthless thugs. But you speak to them one on one and you know within a few minutes they're smart and humble kids. They're just products of their environment. Products of their upbringing.

And I think that's why X had this young generation so captivated. They were able to relate to him. They finally had a young rapper who was speaking about real issues. Real emotion. Real pain. Not just rapping about selling drugs and fukking bytches. The younger generation hasn't had an artist like that in a long time. Dudes fans really worshipped him and it makes sense. X was definitely on his way to super stardom. shyt is fukked up.

Do i need to post that pic of his ex girl with her eyeball almost all the way out?

He was never convicted of shyt? That is the angle you using now? Neither was George Zimmerman. The girl didn't just punch herself in the eye. THink about what you just wrote and stop the foolishness.

Because if that was your mom, sister or neice you would not be saying no shyt like "Oh Dude was genuinely one of the most talented artists in music.

If it happens to a woman in your family you wont be talking about "cacs"

And you still didn't address the tweet he made a day after Dylan Roof killed all those people, writing up hearts talking about he loves Dylan Roof. And don't say its trolling as if years later he didn't disrespect black people/black women with other statements.

"Products of their environment/upbringing". Yeah products only when it comes to the dudes. If a woman caught a charge for hitting someone, aint nobody would be talking about she a product of her environment. Same if she ends up thotting it up. Yall gotta stop coddling these dudes

I have never in my life heard someone use that "product of their environment" for a woman. NEVER.


May 2, 2012
"Products of their environment/upbringing". Yeah products only when it comes to the dudes. If a woman caught a charge for hitting someone, aint nobody would be talking about she a product of her environment. Same if she ends up thotting it up. Yall gotta stop coddling these dudes

I have never in my life heard someone use that "product of their environment" for a woman. NEVER.
Not even to defend what dude did, and I'm not even a fan of his, but the fact that that girls terrible life decisions weren't called out, that's how women are coddled.

All this talk about how men are coddled and women aren't is bullshyt.

That girl was thotting it up with an obviously mentally ill individual with tattoos covering his face at 15 years old. We never call out women for the horrible choices they make in men.

I dont feel sorry for women that get involved with men that are clearly capable of harming them, and end up getting their ass beat.

X seemed like a piece of shyt while alive, but I'm tired of black men getting killed and having unrelated shyt from their past brought up and used as justification for why he deserved to die.

I'm not even saying to pretend like dude was an angel or anything, but going on these angry rants, demonizing this dude in death, because people cared about dude is some fox news sounding shyt.

Its cac shyt.


Aug 12, 2012
Not even to defend what dude did, and I'm not even a fan of his, but the fact that that girls terrible life decisions weren't called out, that's how women are coddled.

All this talk about how men are coddled and women aren't is bullshyt.

That girl was thotting it up with an obviously mentally ill individual with tattoos covering his face at 15 years old. We never call out women for the horrible choices they make in men.

I dont feel sorry for women that get involved with men that are clearly capable of harming them, and end up getting their ass beat.

X seemed like a piece of shyt while alive, but I'm tired of black men getting killed and having unrelated shyt from their past brought up and used as justification for why he deserved to die.

I'm not even saying to pretend like dude was an angel or anything, but going on these angry rants, demonizing this dude in death, because people cared about dude is some fox news sounding shyt.

Its cac shyt.

You guys can't go an entire page without saying cac

Your entire point is straight bullshyt. I aint talking about white women i'm talking about BLACK WOMEN

Black men are coddled way more than Black women. Its well known i don't know what fantasy world you live in.

This is what the expression the Black community raises their daughters and loves their son comes from.

Nikka what?

I don't even know if this girl is Black or not and i wasn't addressing her in my point, i mean black women in general. And you contradicted yourself by saying she a thot and getting with a mentally ill crazy dude with tats ...but then later on you say to not demonize dude lol. Man just say you agree with what is said.

But you gotta stop that foolishness talking about Black women are coddled, no WHITE WOMEN are coddled. In the Black community, Black women are raised and Black men are coddled.

That is a big part of why the community doesn't progress. Notice how our mothers tell us at a young age to stay away from certain girls or say "these girls today"etc or say "oh my baby(son) would never do that"? That is all coddling men and raising daughters. Men and women both are harder on Black women. In any case. In the Black community when abuse comes up, the woman will be blamed or people will assume she hit first or something, and other black women are hardest.

What fantasy world do you live in nikka? LMAOOO

And just so i address your stupid ass comments about it being her fault....again you are another person that condones domestic violence...answer me this...before tattoos got big the way it is now....decades ago...what were the SIGNS that a man was abusive?

Did Joe Jackson and James Brown have tattoos on their face? Did they?

Talking about "using justification for him to die" when you using justification to justify a woman getting assaulted and beat up. You are just as much of a hypocrite and a clown for your entire post.

So we shouldn't demonize his choices but hers should be? You proved what i said now about the coddling.


May 2, 2012
You guys can't go an entire page without saying cac

Your entire point is straight bullshyt. I aint talking about white women i'm talking about BLACK WOMEN

Black men are coddled way more than Black women. Its well known i don't know what fantasy world you live in.

This is what the expression the Black community raises their daughters and loves their son comes from.
Black women kicked the black men out of the picture in favor of free money from the government.

Women make bad decisions, they increase their welfare checks and put them in section 8.

Black men fukk up, they get forced to pay money NEITHER individual had in the first place and thrown in jail if they cant.

I don't even know if this girl is Black or not and i wasn't addressing her in my point, i mean black women in general. And you contradicted yourself by saying she a thot and getting with a mentally ill crazy dude with tats ...but then later on you say to not demonize dude lol. Man just say you agree with what is said.

But you gotta stop that foolishness talking about Black women are coddled, no WHITE WOMEN are coddled. In the Black community, Black women are raised and Black men are coddled.

That is a big part of why the community doesn't progress. Notice how our mothers tell us at a young age to stay away from certain girls or say "these girls today"etc or say "oh my baby(son) would never do that"? That is all coddling men and raising daughters. Men and women both are harder on Black women. In any case. In the Black community when abuse comes up, the woman will be blamed or people will assume she hit first or something, and other black women are hardest.
Dude was a piece of shyt, but I'm not gonna use his death to voice my opinion of him.

And let's stop it right now, in the black community women are told to get a soldier who's status is hood.

Black women are told to put money first and everything else before black men.

Black women are taught to use the law as leverage over black men.

Black women are told that nikkaS AINT shyt.
And just so i address your stupid ass comments about it being her fault....again you are another person that condones domestic violence...answer me this...before tattoos got big the way it is now....decades ago...what were the SIGNS that a man was abusive?

Did Joe Jackson and James Brown have tattoos on their face? Did they?

Talking about "using justification for him to die" when you using justification to justify a woman getting assaulted and beat up. You are just as much of a hypocrite and a clown for your entire post.
Face tattoos are still a good way to tell if a person is a piece of shyt or not.

That girl more than likely knew about all the domonic shyt dude was involved in and still involved herself with him. I dont condone men hitting women, but I dont feel sorry for women that choose to be involved in those type of people. Yes I called her a thot because she made thot choices.


Aug 12, 2012
Black women kicked the black men out of the picture in favor of free money from the government.

Women make bad decisions, they increase their welfare checks and put them in section 8.

Black men fukk up, they get forced to pay money NEITHER individual had in the first place and thrown in jail if they cant.

Dude was a piece of shyt, but I'm not gonna use his death to voice my opinion of him.

And let's stop it right now, in the black community women are told to get a soldier who's status is hood.

Black women are told to put money first and everything else before black men.

Black women are taught to use the law as leverage over black men.

Black women are told that nikkaS AINT shyt.

Face tattoos are still a good way to tell if a person is a piece of shyt or not.

That girl more than likely knew about all the domonic shyt dude was involved in and still involved herself with him. I dont condone men hitting women, but I dont feel sorry for women that choose to be involved in those type of people. Yes I called her a thot because she made thot choices.

Here you come with the hotep talk about Black men being kicked out the home

But somehow...somehow there are plenty of stable Black families out there of Black men and Black women married and raising kids making over six figures...interesting

Just stop while you at it breh cause you are getting exposed with your nonsensical retorts

Go in a female prison and compare that to a male prison. Tell me which one gets alot more visitors and support and then repeat again to me that black women are coddled

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Do i need to post that pic of his ex girl with her eyeball almost all the way out?

He was never convicted of shyt? That is the angle you using now? Neither was George Zimmerman. The girl didn't just punch herself in the eye. THink about what you just wrote and stop the foolishness.

Because if that was your mom, sister or neice you would not be saying no shyt like "Oh Dude was genuinely one of the most talented artists in music.

If it happens to a woman in your family you wont be talking about "cacs"

And you still didn't address the tweet he made a day after Dylan Roof killed all those people, writing up hearts talking about he loves Dylan Roof. And don't say its trolling as if years later he didn't disrespect black people/black women with other statements.

"Products of their environment/upbringing". Yeah products only when it comes to the dudes. If a woman caught a charge for hitting someone, aint nobody would be talking about she a product of her environment. Same if she ends up thotting it up. Yall gotta stop coddling these dudes

I have never in my life heard someone use that "product of their environment" for a woman. NEVER.
Theres a thread in TLR right now about a 15 year old kid being stabbed to death because some grimy ho lied on him. That's why we can never assume somebody guilty over the word of a female. Some woman get scorned and will ruin a man's life for payback. And from what we've seen, that same girl wanted to drop the charges and still openly states that she loves X.

And to compare Zimmerman to X Is nonsense. Zimmerman murdered Trayvon. That was never a question. The only question was whether or not the killing was justified. Two completely different scenarios.


May 2, 2012
Here you come with the hotep talk about Black men being kicked out the home

But somehow...somehow there are plenty of stable Black families out there of Black men and Black women married and raising kids making over six figures...interesting

Just stop while you at it breh cause you are getting exposed with your nonsensical retorts

Go in a female prison and compare that to a male prison. Tell me which one gets alot more visitors and support and then repeat again to me that black women are coddled
We not talking about stable black families in the suburbs, we are talking about the large portion of the black community who are poverty stricken. Where black men are coddled and black women are responsible according to you.

How about we look at the sheer number of black men in jail for non violent offenses compared to black women.
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Aug 12, 2012
Theres a thread in TLR right now about a 15 year old kid being stabbed to death because some grimy ho lied on him. That's why we can never assume somebody guilty over the word of a female. Some woman get scorned and will ruin a man's life for payback. And from what we've seen, that same girl wanted to drop the charges and still openly states that she loves X.

And to compare Zimmerman to X Is nonsense. Zimmerman murdered Trayvon. That was never a question. The only question was whether or not the killing was justified. Two completely different scenarios.

Um no there isnt....That is a rumor that isn't proven yet. Just like yall ran around saying SouljaKid or whatever his name was was the one who killed XXX and you still ain't learn from that

Nobody knows if that the story of a girl and a train is actually true.

Just like the guys who stabbed that 15 year old mixed him up for someone else. I can keep going. Learn to stop running with everything you hear

Even if the story of the train is true you gonna use that to characterize every situation? Cause that sounds silly as fukk.

Did you show the same energy for the teenage girl years ago that killed herself after she had sex with those football players and they clowned her and she jumped in front of a train? Are those same dudes not "grimy" as you say it for doing that? Go ahead i wanna hear you say it yourself. On this site you just like talking about what women do

What don't you guys understand from seeing the pictures? If you live out of the state and you get people hitting you up talking about your sister's boyfriend hit her and show you pics of her face bloodied all over and her eyeball looking like its gone and hearing how he shoved forks up her privates, you gonna say you can never assume he guilty because of the word of a woman? Cause your sister a "female"?


Aug 12, 2012
We not talking about stable black families in the suburbs, we are talking about the large portion of the black community who are poverty stricken. Where black men are coddled and black women are responsible according to you.

How about we look at the sheer number of black men in jail for non violent offenses compared to black women.

Yes breh in 30 plus years there has only been 33 Black women in prison in jail for non violent offenders