Drinks Blood from a Boot
i'm listening
If your getting the system for the games? Xbox wins
Online is better. Ps3 games, especially the MAIN AAA titles, they suffer from lag problems on ps3
And when a game is struggling, sony takes its sweet time to fix a game
On xbox, they will patch a game within a few days of something wrong being found
New games, most DLC will drop first on xbox (1 to 6months early)
The Arcade games are much better on xbox
You get more "apps" on xbox including the option to turn your xbox into cablebox to watch TV
They got an anime channel with everything on it
They got an ESPN channel that shows every soccer match, every college football game, on demand, in 1080p
The adding ESPN1/2/U app this fall
The internet browser is CRUCIAL and will rival your PC, shyts all over the ps3 browser which is on par with using the internet on a NON-smartphone

The online community is connected on xbox, you see what they doin, its easy to join them in any game, you can chat while they in any game.
Friends/family.. you'll end up playing with ppl you thought you wouldn't.
I normally now game with my nephew and a few friends from my childhood that I otherwise would of never even talked to again. Xbox Live does all that and MUCH more. HBO Go... SmartGlass Tech.. Kinect so you can control everything via voice commands. The dashboard interface >>>
And did I mention the games? The most popular games are on xbox.
Ps3 games get hyped, then forgotten. That doesn't happen on xbox.
Its the reason why nobody is even buying ps3's like that anymore. Xbox is now outselling the ps3 and wii combined
Theres a reason for that