When you have dumbed down graphics it's easy to hit 1080p/60fps.
The Wii U has 1080p/60fps games too so I guess the Wii U is on par with PS4 too right?
I saw you left out gamees like Ryse, Sunseet Overdrive, Dead Rising, Killer Instinct, the MANY multiplat games and instead you listed a:
regular ol sim racer
A remastered gamee
an indie game that looks like a cartoon
An unknown/unreleased game
unreleased game
unreleased game
This is a misleading argument. I could argue why doesn't the Xbox One have visually impressive games compared to PS4?? Resolution/FPS doesn't=powerful.
PS3 has 720p/60fps games like Xbox One so PS3 is as powerful as Xbox ONe. This is how dumb your logic sounds. It's completely ignoring the games itself and instead just making blanket statements but I know you're trolling