I can see EA slowly distancing themselves from this fukkery with MS. Especially WHEN the PS4 moves a shytload of units and EA software.
Writing is on the wall...
MS letting the suits and beancounters and marketing design their system is such a fail. 3rd console curse...
I guess this is what microsoft meant when they said they were going to kill sony at e3. They're moneyhatting publishers to only show the inferior xbox version of games to make it seem like all the games are on xbox. Wow, they really have no respect for their consumers. How foolish will they feel when they see the ps4 version and think,
They didnt show that at E3. I mean they must really think consumers are dumb enough to not ask.
"what that ps4 version look like though"
Sad @ xbots rejoicing over microsoft banking on their consumers ignorance.
Its so demonic, friend.