yall really are delusional.
Didn't you get a one x to try battlefield?
And post what Sony has done for gaming.
Microsoft brought us into paying for online and starting console DLC nonsense. And worse you got nothing out of it for paying for online. At least we got complimentary games as a result of PS Plus. Ms was forced into giving yall games with Live after the reception of PS Plus. Yall wasn't getting shyt for it for years. And Sega had the first console unified online service, so I don't give yall credit for doing that first either.
Microsoft whole steeze is built of biting. The whole company.
Good stock tho
Notice he didn't say what Sony brought to gaming...3rd party support?
And the Dreamcast was powered by "windows ce"
If Xbox is why dlc exist, why did it always exist on PlayStation at the same time EVEN WITH 50GB BLU-RAYS.
We rarely had an extra disc if necessary, so why you playing for dlc bruh?
And paying for online is great because our games all work online while Sony gave up on games to hackers left and right. Every top Sony online multiplayer game was hacker Central from call of duty being unplayable to cheaters ruining uncharted online. You never heard of Halo having those problems, not a widespread issue ever because of Xbox live
You gonna talk about free games but talk shyt about gamepass? You mad ...
Online gaming and voice chat? - No, Sega did it first
FPS to the forefront -
that's not an achievement?
Gamepass and cloud based gaming? PS Now was first, so nope.
So out of all of that, you got Achievements.
That's it.
This nikka said Sony did it first when Sony's not doing it now. Why they're relationship "deepening" if they doing it? Talk about delusional
We know why xbox lasted longer Than sega
Because unlike Sony, Sega couldn't combine sales from Dreamcast and Saturn to inflate numbers to starve off bankruptcy long enough to satisfy investors after the success of mgs4.