For a two month delay, this was well worth the wait:
The constant shytting on Miz
The cameos of previous tourney players was a nice touch.
That Halftime show by Sandow...
Eden's fine ass showing once again that Cody stays winnin'.
Big E being.... Big E.
And of course... Team BAD. Naomi being her usual self, Sasha looking on point whether it's makeup or no makeup... and then Tamina. I'm not aware if she's seeing anybody right now, and I know she got kids, but seeing her interact and react, showing a down to earth side and an adorable laugh... I'd wife her in a second.
And Kneesus still getting W's even though he's on the shelf. I felt bad that Swaggs cut a great promo, only to get beat down savagely in the end.
But a fantastic end to the Madden Tourney. Hope there's another one next year!