Neva missin a beat
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at Havoc making this and a Flesh n Bone thread. You know they was jailed together right? I heard that Flesh-N-Bone, BG Knocc Out and Tray Deee were in the same jail that you are in, is there any truth to that, if so, did you ever meet any of them?
Ive been at the same prisons as them *****s at the same time, but they aint never walked the same kind of yards as me. Im level four, max security. I walk the yard with lifers and *****s with 15 years or worse. The only way a short timer could be on a max yard is if that ***** is about to wrap up a decade and change. But I think BG is level four, and Ive heard good **** about him Hes not a mark, ya heard? Flesh N whatever would mean nothin to me if I met him or not because this is prison, not a rap convention. Tray Deee and BG are Crips if we were together, it would be Crip love, automatic; me and Flesh would have nothing to discuss.