‘X-Men’ Drama 'Gifted' On Fox (Cancelled)


May 10, 2012


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012

IGN spoke to showrunner Matt Nix about the rifts that have formed between our characters - but if you think this is a clear-cut case of heroes and villains, you may want to adjust your perspective.

"It can be easy to decide that Polaris and Andy joined the bad guys, right? But really the big thing that we’ve been interested in this year is the idea that they joined a group that believes in what they’re doing," Nix pointed out. "When we meet the leader of the Inner Circle this year, Reeva Payge - and Grace Byers does an amazing job with this - one of the things that I love about her, and how we approach the Inner Circle, [is] they’re true believers. They are trying to fight for a mutant homeland, because they, really, sincerely believe that that is the only way that they can protect the people they love. And on the other side, the Mutant Underground is fighting for the dream of the X-Men, which is mutants and non-mutants living side-by-side in peace. And both sides are right, in a certain way."

Season 2 is being marketed as the "dawn of the mutant age," which is "the vision of the Inner Circle," according to Nix. "Essentially they are saying, 'the way for us to prevail is to usher in this new age.' And they make great strides over the course of the season. The dawn of the mutant age, that’s what they’re trying to bring about. This season is maybe the darkness before the dawn."

And Blink and Thunderbird aren't the only ones facing some relationship developments - Nix also revealed that Andy will be getting a love interest in Season 2, although she sounds a little ominous: "She is so much fun. That has been a super favorite character for everyone to work on. And she represents another perspective. She’s charming and she’s awesome, and ultimately she even scares the Inner Circle." Considering that members of the Inner Circle don't think twice about cold-blooded murder, that probably isn't a good thing.

This year [we're] really going deep into Polaris’s past, meeting little Polaris. Really going deep into the tragic and compelling history of the Frosts. That was really fun. How did Blink become Blink?" Nix teased. "The first thing that we’re looking at is 'what can we delve into in these characters’ pasts that’s gonna shed light on who they are as people, what they do in this episode'? Where did Eclipse come from? Why does he care so much about being a dad? That’s the sort of thing that is really exciting."

That's especially true of Polaris, whose priorities have undoubtedly shifted with impending motherhood. "On the one hand, she really misses Eclipse, and she really cares about Eclipse, and that didn’t go away. And in some sense, as much as he disagrees with what she’s doing, her idea is, she’s ultimately doing this for him too. But first and foremost, she is doing this for her child," Nix said.

"So this is a huge sacrifice that she’s making, but she’s making it for the sake of the baby that’s growing inside of her, that will be born in the first episode. And that’s why she’s there [with the Inner Circle]. And one of the things that we’re also gonna explore very specifically this season is Polaris’s feelings about her own family, and the fact that she wasn’t raised - I forget the name of her birth father, but she wasn’t raised by her birth father - and she has very conflicted feelings about him, whoever he is."