Real shame Wolfe got completely brained so early into the match, as it felt like it took basically heading into the final stretch to get it back on track. I'm pretty sure HBK was calling the match through Drake after the injury. Maybe they'll get a chance to try it again sometime.
Toni/Rhea was not good. The decision to make Rhea a face instead of a cool heel or a tweener was stupid, because her look, attitude, and physical size over all the other women is built for being a heel. When you have to have a stinger be part of the match to have your champion be able to get some underdog heat, you shouldn't be booking that person as an underdog.
Cruiserweight match was

but Angel losing the title so soon

and to that Irish fukko
Balor vs the Russian was the best Balor match I've seen in quite some time, and it looked like we're gonna get a Balor vs Bate match in the next month
DIY vs Mustache Mountain
A very strong event that when first announced you couldn't have gotten me to care less, but the past month of build from UK Takeover to last week's NXT has done a great job of making the UK brand seem legit for the first time.