You quoted me out of context to prove what?
this article and thread does not compare the WWE to compares the WWE to the UFC. The proposals in here and comparisons are to real sports.
The WWE is not going to Unionize like the NFLPA or anything of the sort.
It would more closely resemble SAG but I still doubt it ever happens
UFC doesn't have a union either, and it only mentions the UFC to say that perhaps both orgs should unionize given their ever-increasing revenues and TV deals. The article's mainly comparing it to the league based mainstream sports.
WWE is different from UFC in that, in the UFC athletes fight once or twice a year (some thrice) + varying degrees of media commitments like interviews/pressers. Whereas WWE wrestlers have to come to work multiples days a week, year-round, and put their body on the line, constant travel, and then media commitments on top of that. They practically have a year-long season and definitely need a union given how frequent they perform and prone to injury or sickness they are.