What do we think Naomi’s secret will be? :lupepopcorn:
Based on his behavior, he should bePromo package got Braun looking like the heel in this fued.
But don't mention fake t*ts on twitter thoughthis whole feud is about everybody laughing at the victim of bullying.
Fuk him up Braun
so we an hour in to a four hour show
and we wont see another black face for the rest of the night
shut up & dance
Hopefully something interesting happens...cuz so far
I get ya point but the same thing could have been done by having the Bludgeons use the hammers to win the match which gives TND the argument that they got the Bludgeons so shook they needed to use a weapon to win.I'm okay with it because they've done NOTHiNG to build this story so far. Maybe this will actually inspire them to, ya know, put a story in it