breh i'm not giving anyone a pass for doing 3 moves...don't shyt on Roman for doing it but praise Lesnar for doing it just because its Cena.
Brock said he was gonna beat Cena's ass and he did....storytelling wise it was fukking great.
Brock won decisively...against John fukking Cena. He ended the streak and whooped John Cena's ass something fierce. He cemented himself as the BEAST on the roster.
Reigns doing three moves and he ain't even a solidified main eventer yet. Guys usually use LESS moves when they get to the top level.(See Bryan)....Reigns ain't even at the top level yet and has a basic ass moveset.
I can understand people shytting on Reigns....atleast Brock during his push was a flat out beast who was pulling out the stops and all types of moves in his matches.
Reigns meanwhile doing his limited ass moveset and he ain't even win the title yet.