On February 19th I was discussing with my friend about 401k and IRA. He had a target date fund and was barely making any returns on his investment. I was showing him how I had 33k in start of 2019 and at that point in time I had over 50k and he was amazed that I was able to accumulate so much money and only putting like $100 a month in there. I told him I was an expert and thats cuz I was investing in all the high risk and profitable stocks. I told him I would take a look at his account and see what funds were good that weekend when I went over. I never got the chance or came around to looking into his account that weekend. Forgot what was going on then. Maybe the boxing fight or a wrestling event? Anyways I didn't check his account on Saturday or Sunday, then Monday came along and the rest is history. That 50k? Its not even at 38k.Maybe getting this virus won't be the worst thing to happen.
The money will be back eventually cause we're long term investors...
Most important point I got from this article:
For people who hope to sit out the current economic crisis until their investments recover, the question remains: How long can you wait?
Birenbaum said that during the 2008 financial crisis, investors who sat on the sidelines waited about four years to recoup their losses. But she said they fared much better than people who panicked and sold their stocks at low prices during the downturn.
"The people that sold, they've probably still not recovered, quite frankly," said Birenbaum, of the Toronto firm Caring for Clients.
Doug Porter, chief economist at Bank of Montreal, agrees that now isn't the time to start dumping stocks — as long as you don't immediately need the cash.
"It really doesn't make sense at this point to be an aggressive seller if you have a longer-term time frame."
Might not be so great for our parents portfolios though...but I'm guessing most of our parents are investing in safe ETFs/mutual funds and aren't investing in anything high risk