I wouldn't have survive due to the rules they set upThis shyt reminds of Scream when they were explaining their motive to Neve Campbell
I wouldn't have survive due to the rules they set upThis shyt reminds of Scream when they were explaining their motive to Neve Campbell
sami likes punk and ska. he should def shave a mohawk and have CFO$ whip up a ripoff of this:if he gets a mohawk and a clean shave then he can be
HHH has him beat
They REALLY should've took the belt off himSTILL no mention of Jinder
I kinda think Owens is gonna end up a baby eventually based on how things are rolling out, he's running out of PG dastardly things to do and people are starting to really rock with his weasel like behavior because he's one of the few on the roster that gets to act like a classic chickenshyt heel