Back in the 80's the Vince led WWF was like a minstrel show of wrestling. All of the best matches and storylines were in the NWA and WCW which had Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair and the Four Horseman, Sting, Lex Luger, the Road Warriors etc.
Vince was the goat when it came to marketing and promotion but the overall quality sucked. I stopped watching wrestling mostly because I grew up, but the other part was due to the death of the NWA/WCW as it was constructed in the 80's. Once everything was dominated by Vince and the WWE or whatever you call it, shyt started to go down hill. And yeah names like Stone Cold and The Roc's names ring out but wrestling will never be like it was in the mid/late 80's.
THIS. It's pretty much reversion to the mean. The current WWE I'd what Vince knows in his blood, except now he has to deal with the reality era on top. He knows how to TRY to create characters, not real, actual people with clear motivations.
Yes, this is why he relied so much on a Vince Russo. He would make Jerry Springer-type shyt seem remotely plausible in a White trash kinda way. Whether competing or paying him, he was pushed by Russo. The momentum just carried over so much into the RA era with great stars already made in AE or in the immediate afterglow. AE ended when Haitch got the belt.
Cena's just another Haitch, on the top of the mountain, cashing a check or phoning it in. People used to try to call it out, now they're just numb and either/and stay at home/don't watch. Since Haitch is there, protecting his legacy, no change for main show, but he makes NXT what people wanted to see for main roster lmao. Now he doesn't get the blame when he is the direct cause for this.
Vince is just being Vince. But remember how innovative Haitch was, before he was the deal facto heir (he is credited for the Montreal Screwjob, as well as earning Vince's ear early through Shawn and had veto power). Vince is going to always search out a Hogan and a monster heel. It's Haitch that should be making these reality characters with him.