wait- is this a legit Gay Heyman Ryback angle going or are you guys joking?
idk what it is, heyman kissed him on the cheek, calls him beautiful and recently dropped to one knee and asked if hed be a paul heyman guy. Its not really legit but its stillwait- is this a legit Gay Heyman Ryback angle going or are you guys joking?
Yeah this storyline has ran it's course unless lesnar comes back and I think they saving him for taker so it's doubtfulidk what it is, heyman kissed him on the cheek, calls him beautiful and recently dropped to one knee and asked if hed be a paul heyman guy. Its not really legit but its still, I hope this sh1t is over with come sunday, Punk needs to get back into the title scene or at least feud with the new corporation
props to the crowd for chanting "Get a Room" and kings comment "What is this? Ryback Mountain?"
you cats gon LEARN to watermark this shyt!