Alright....Lesnar is Punk's only way out of this match. Period. But still...I can see it being a deal where Punk is beaten, ref is down, Lesnar F5s the Rock, and they're both out. Punk crawls over slowly and the slow ref count and Rock kicks out. Rock comes back and wins...that starts Rock/Lesnar but not sure where it leaves Punk. I think he's facing Taker this year since they won't do Lesnar/Taker but then there's the gay ass Cena factor that corrupts everything as usual.
And that right there fukks everything up.
I was thinking about different wrestlemania scenarios and there is no way you gettin Cena on the card without him facing the Rock. That ish gon be inevitable. You could have maybe had Cena vs Brock where Brock comes back and costs him the RR match, but they had Cena go over on him earlier in the year, so that would be pointless imo.
If Rock v Brock is gonna go down and Taker dont come back do you have him face Punk, again? I dunno how you could make that interesting again.
If it goes Rock vs Brock and Taker vs Cena the only real opponent would be Zig Zag. And if you gon do that you would want Ziggler going over him but picture Cena losing to WM main events in a row.