To me it's worth it, and the PPVs aren't even the big draw.
This network should be a goldmine for old footage. That's what I'm most interested in. I'm probably in the minority, though, so I won't be surprised if the network isn't a financial success.
Exactly the bolded.
The idea of the network, minus the typical WWE revisionist history, really isn't bad at all. But the fact that they expect 1 million viewers to pay $13-$15 for what we can troll the internet for at the cost of a few minutes? Come on.
In addition to this, I'm not even sure what they think their target audience is?
-Internet-savvy curmudgeons like us will just watch what we can, scour the internet for historical footage and stream the rest. Partially due to access, partially due to dissatisfaction.
-Children don't have money for this, and don't have the perspective to watch something like a World Class stadium show or an old JCW/NWA/early WCW PPV.
-Casuals will take what they can and leave the rest. This, in my opinion, falls squarely in the "leave" category.
They really need to rethink this whole idea. I don't care if they've had it for 3, 4, 5 years. Scrap it and start over.