And when it happens all the marks that hated him in Aew will be lil fan girls like they are with Cody
Reminds me of a friend from high school, when we were running our own fed and writing shows. He was the writer for Velocity and one week had Ultimate Warrior I think get the shyt beaten out of him, pushed into a dumpster and then the dumpster got rammed by an ambulance.
Ultimate Warrior came back the next week like nothing happened.
That's not true at all. There have been plenty of characters & angles that WWE tried to push that fans crapped on. If you're going to push a narrative, at least be honest.The point is that if they know what Bullet Club is they should be familiar with a Bullet Club member.
If they don't, then just goes to show they'll be sheep that pop for whatever WWE wants them to pop for.
Led astray!First time coming in here and I thought this thread was about WWE fans needing a bath. This is a undercover reeks thread
I been hoodwinked, bamboolzed, run amok!.
ACCUSATIONS!First time coming in here and I thought this thread was about WWE fans needing a bath. This is a undercover reeks thread
I been hoodwinked, bamboolzed, run amok!.