Raw on 4/29 did a 3.06 rating and 4.28 million viewers. This is probably going to be normal level for the show
over the next few months. It was down slightly from last week, but last week was up slightly due to Undertaker
wrestling. Raw was the highest rated show on cable.
The last hour went against the Oklahoma City Thunder vs.
Houston Rockets NBA playoff game (3.06 rating; 3.80 million viewers). The first two hours went against the
Chicago Bulls vs. Brooklyn Nets game (2.10 rating; 2.63 million viewers). Major League Baseball on ESPN did
939,000 viewers.
Raw did a 2.3 in Male teens (down 12% from last week); 2.6 in Males 18-49 (same as last week); 0.5 in Girl
teens (down 58%) and 1.2 in Women 18-49 (up 20%). The audience was 69.2% male.
In the segment-by-segment, Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Zeb Colter vs. Big E Langston opened at a 3.10. Randy
Orton vs. Cody Rhodes lost 10,000 viewers.Brie Bella vs. Naomi lost 136,000 viewers. An interesting note is
the script for the show called for Nikki to be the one wrestling and Brie being the one who switched in for the
pin, and the announcers called it Nikki and not Brie when they were talking about the match coming up next.
The Shield interview, with 3MB coming out as well as Kane & Daniel Bryan coming out, gained 431,000 viewers
to a 3.31 quarter at 9 p.m. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston lost 326,000 viewers. Backstage stuff as well as the
promotional video building the Brock Lesnar vs. HHH match showing HHH pedigreeing Paul Heyman lost
175,000 viewers. Jack Swagger vs. Zack Ryder and the Mark Henry tug-of-war segment with Tensai and Brodus
Clay gained 270,000 viewers. The reason the announcers brought up and were talking about a bullrope match
and not a tug-of-war, is because the script listed this as a bullrope match. However, they must have been clued
in on tug-of-war since they did their tug-of-war research and had notes, so IĀm guessing they were told tug-of-
war, did their research and notes, then were told later it was changed to a bullrope match (explaining why they
talked about it and why it was in the script), and then it ended up a tug-of-war. Henry vs. Sheamus in a tug-of-
war gained 102,000 viewers at 10 p.m., which is weak for the slot, which did a 3.21 quarter. Alberto Del Rio vs.
Antonio Cesaro 408,000 viewers. The Fandango vs. Great Khali dance contest gained 44,000 viewers. John
Cena & Bryan & Kane vs. The Shield in the main event gained 513,000 viewers, which is an average overrun,
ending at 3.32.