The last two RAWs going in should be aight.
at WWE thinking Del Rio can get over by himself.
Ricardo has been way over than Del Rio for their entire tenure together practically.
Finally watched this in full...
Cena/PTP segment...SUCKED. This idea to do Cena/Rock for the title has turned out to be a bad one... when one of the people in your main event (and the champion at that) is barely there and the challenger is passing time by wrestling the weak link of a semi-relevant tag team, it kinda makes it hard for anyone to give a shyt. If they don't deliver in that match, that thing is gonna be a flopped sequel to say the least.
Rhodes is boring me to death and he has like three things going on at once right now with no real direction, nor a match at Mania to speak of. The match with Del Rio got fast forwarded midway.
Del Rio/Swagger feud has been good IMO... Rodriguez gets sympathy more than almost any face currently wrestling.
I figured the Ryback/Shield/Orton/Sheamus/Show thing would pan out that way... that was the plan all along... so now, I'm guessing Ryback ends up havin to come thru in the clutch for the face team at Mania and finally get his revenge. Not bad.
I'm still split on Fandango. Could turn out to be much better than expected or the wackest shyt ever. I'm leaning towards wackest shyt ever, cause I just can't see it going very far. Then again, I thought Goldust was gonna be trash too back when they introduced that character, so... who knows
Punk/Taker continues to be good... Punk's PB impression
I've seen Kingston vs Ziggler way too many times to care at this point. Tag title match at Mania should be good.
IC title 3-way was aight... just wish I cared about this Miz/Barrett shyt. Blah.
HHH/Brock/Heyman was cool... I think this match might possibly steal the show, honestly. H ain't retiring tho'. If he loses, I'd be surprised.
Boring ep of Raw overall... the writing is mad inconsistent. They'll have a good episode, then a weak one, then a good one, back to a weak one... they got two more to go- hope they break the pattern and that go-home ep doesn't fall flat.
Even the Shield storyline has lost some steam
In the Raw segment-by-segment, John Cena vs. Darren Young and Ryback vs. David Otunga lost 36,000 viewers. The Fandango/Great Khali segment lost 104,000 viewers. R-Truth vs. Damien Sandow lost 128,000 viewers. The Undertaker/C.M. Punk interaction plus Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. Primo & Epico gained 111,000 viewers to a 3.27 quarter and was the high point of the show. Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes lost 184,000 viewers.
The Booker T Hall of Fame video and announcement lost 124,000 viewers. Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre and its post match gained 58,000 viewers at 10 p.m. to a 3.09 quarter. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston lost 302,000 viewers. Wade Barrett vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz lost 54,000 viewers. The final segment with Paul Heyman, HHH and Brock Lesnar gained 494,000 viewers to a 3.19 overrun.