In the segment-by-segment, the show opened at 3.46 for the Paul Bearer tribute to Undertaker and the C.M. Punk interruption. Big Show vs. Seth Rollins lost 9,000 viewers. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler gained 132,000 viewers. The segment with Fandango coming out with Brodus Clay & Tensai lost 298,000 viewers. The New Age Outlaws vs. Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow, which was really the Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman promo was the big segment of the show, gaining 326,000 viewers to a show-high 3.57 quarter. Mark Henry vs. Kofi Kingston and Ryback vs. Heath Slater and the Henry/Ryback face-off lost 179,000 viewers. Alberto Del Rio vs. Antonio Cesaro lost 265,000 viewers. The John Cena/Rock video package lost 10,000 viewers. Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. Rhodes & Sandow in the 10 p.m. slot gained 106,000 viewers to a 3.32. The Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho, Wade Barrett, Miz and Brad Maddox and all the movie trailers gained 81,000 viewers. Jericho vs. Miz lost 359,000 viewers. Jack Swagger vs. Sin Cara lost 78,000 viewers. C.M. Punk vs. Kane in the overrun gained 153,000 viewers which is a very weak overrun gain, finishing at 3.18. The issue was probably going 15 minutes is too long after a three hour show, plus they took a rare commercial break during the overrun.