Kicking off the show with the final minutes of 'Comedy Hour With John Cena'. It's not like the week he was gone, they failed to make mention of him. Meh.
Ryback vs Primo & Epico: Okay first lol@ the nod Cena gave Ry on his way up the ramp. I see you John. As for the I guess they figure why bring in local jobbers when we can actually job out a legit tag team on our roster.
Brodus/Truth Segment...
The Vince/Punk with Heyman- State of the WWE Address segment was okay. There was a lot going on, from Punk's delusions of grandeur, to the mentioning of Austin (which may or may not go anywhere) to Punk slapping Vince and him laying flat on his back then popping up and bulging the neck veins and being full of moxie.
PTP vs Rey/Sin..Decent match.
I enjoyed Wade vs Sheamus minus the ending. I will say that although the ending wasn't my thing, Wade not getting pinned is a good thing. I wouldn't mind seeing the two go at it again.
AJ/Punk segment was okay. Showing AJ in small doses is for the best.
Despite the short time they were allotted, Tyson & Cesaro put on an enjoyable match.
Team Hell No! vs Ziggle/ADR was a pretty good match. Not a fan of Ziggler constantly losing, especially considering he is holding the MITB briefcase, but whatever. Oh and Vickie that ensemble...
The JR & Vince segment was hilariously sad...
Larry King w/ Miz & Kofi
So anyways, it was good to see Team Rhode Scholars pick up that 'W' over Santino and Ryder. The ending with those 3 guys was seriously the pits, as are their persona's.
Heyman and Vince backstage segment was interesting.
Hmm...The Diva's match. Ya know, I do see that they are trying to do something with Eve and Layla but it doesn't mesh well together. I think both are making the most out of what they have, but the story line is silly. We get it, Eve is fake. Why Layla is going on about that and acting like a Mama bear is truly laughable. Also the biggest hindrance is that Layla and Eve are not Diva's that have been well developed enough, for the crowd to really give a damn about what they are doing.
Larry & Wife/D-Bry/Kane segment was funny- Kane had the best line, thinking LK was Skeletor.
I was actually looking forward to the ME and I will say that I enjoyed it for the most part. I mean the unintentional comedy was front and center. I'm not feeling the Ryback interference, though I will give them points for consistency. The thing is, I don't care for Ryback and have never made it a secret, yet I can admit that him and his catchphrase are indeed over. Also there is this...
Now with all of that being said, if anyone actually believes that John Felix Anthony Cena is going to sit back and let Ryback, who Vince is clearly sweet on, become 'The Man' or whatever the hell, than I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell you.
This isn't to say that Ryback won't continue to get shine and all that jazz, which is good for him- Yay! but I highly doubt that it's going to go any further than that.
Overall C+
Libra Lady, I got love for ya, but if you give this show anything less than a're whack.
The fukk is Kofi's black ass doing in Russia? They are the deepest when it comes to. He wants to die?
I loved it. Having the show revolve around whatever character is the current GM was an wack idea to begin with and of course they ran it into the ground on top of that. Let them just make a match here and there and play the background, no need for the GM to be the star of the show every week.No where near enough AJ screen time this week
she had like a 90 second backstage act with Punk on a 3 hour show, UNACCEPTABLE![]()
Punk was setting him up![]()
I don't know why more mid-carders don't get into staredowns on camera with the champ. Automatically catapults you into the main event sceneSo ryback stalks miz for a week, beats him clean but doesn't even get an ic title match![]()