I'm all for fukkery but damn, give us at least one meaningful storyline.
They could have made triumph out of tragedy but they went the cheapest route possible. It seems like if Punk and Cena aren't involved with each other they are just generic foils and saviors in other ultimately meaningless feuds.
I'm not a big fan of Punk but you got a guy who can tell a story on both the mic and in the ring and you got him stealing urns? The whole thing should have been based on respect.
Punk and Heyman should have interrupted the tribute, but in protest. The basis would be that a legend like William Moody deserves more than a cheap moment of silence and a pose by the man who robbed him of a proper send off. Punk would then put over Bearer and how he was a critical and irreplaceable component in the legend of the Undertaker and the Streak but Taker was so selfish that he could never hang it up after he knew he was done and allow Bearer to retire the character he nursed when Taker was nothing more than a mute, green zombie.
He would explain how last WM was the perfect moment to give Bearer the proper send off and closure. HHH had set up the hook; the end of an era. HBK brought the drama as having to choose between a man he respected and his best friend. All Taker had to do was show up and collect a check, beat HHH, get a nice clean 20-0 at WM and retire. Paul would bring out the urn, Taker would pose, everyone would get a nice pop, fat legends contract and MOVE ON.
Taker's selfishness and greed killed that perfect moment. And with Bearer's death so too goes his proper send off. Before, Punk was looking to add a feather to his hat by ending the Streak. Now it's more than that. The Streak has to die because that kills the Undertaker. The Undertaker must pass on with William Moody...anything else cheapens the contributions of Bearer and sullies Taker's legacy. Punk holds up the urn, salutes William Moody and you're off to the races.
But hey, we can always use the urn as a cheap weapon instead. :belip: