That’s always worse than a disgusted and angry crowd. Apathy is the worst feeling a promotion can generate, and they’ve create a product so dull, uninspired, lacking in consequence, and repetitive that people just don’t care anymore. I don’t see how long term this is a sustainable business model, actively chasing away viewers. Will networks keep giving big deals to a promotion that makes a point to alienate its customers?
Yeah because networks aren’t worried about fans who complain online but still watch the show every week. Bottom line matters and no matter how much we complain as long as we still watch, we’re talking in the wind. WWE knows this. Any business knows this. And even then, those of us who do complain pale when compared to the number of people who don’t.
The product is boring and stale and lazy now. But as long as it continues to make money hand over fists, it’ll continue to coast