Can't play a single gimmick match like these because the AI is absolutely fukking trash
I got a MITB ppv coming up. I'm coming each ladder match 30 minutes tops . Unlike last time where I gave them almost 2 hours smh
Yeah I was almost fukking conned into buying this shyt at release date...What a joke.
People talking about Luger CAW and being tempted to buy the NWO edition
Luger, Scott Hall and Nash were all featured free in WWE2K19!
year to year the roster is never the same down to the legends.....because of contractual're not promised permanent placing just because you were in the previous game.
So explain the shyt with the NWO edition
Them legends are contractually available
but you gotta pay extra to play them even though I could play Nash and Hall for free in WWE2K19?
Nahh that's just a con and people paying for this are suckas
I always wonder if that's a WWE decision, a 2K one or the wrestler themselves/estate one. Because Foley always raises his asking price every yearYeah
It's low-key shameful how Hogan was a pre-order bonus in 2k20, but is available day one for 2k22, but the nwo version you gotta pay extra for.
Even more shameful xpac, Nash, hall, and Hogan are all available but their nwo variants you gotta pay extra for. What the hell
Lol not only that but there’s like a good 7 or so DLC packs that will probably cost 10 bucks a piece with 5-6 guys a piece in them coming out over the next 6 monthsYeah
It's low-key shameful how Hogan was a pre-order bonus in 2k20, but is available day one for 2k22, but the nwo version you gotta pay extra for.
Even more shameful xpac, Nash, hall, and Hogan are all available but their nwo variants you gotta pay extra for. What the hell