I've been playing this on PC, and my rig is getting old and busted so I have to turn down the specs to bare minimum, so that takes away from presentation which is a big part of this game, but it does feel like a step in the right direction. For one, it's better optimized for PC, this actually runs better than 2K15/16 did on PC. The Bryan showcase seems well done, and the towers stuff gives it a more fighting game feel. The roster is probably the most up to date a WWE game has been in years (wtf at the lack of Ciampa, though). It's still janky and clunky, but when doing the Rey tower the matches with Lince and Metalik were like double speed (not sure if intentional or jank related) and it was so much more fun. I've been saying for years that it would be easy to overlook the jank if they just sped up the pace of the game a bit. Double time is a little too fast, but 1.2x or 1.5x the speed would increase the enjoyability of these games 10 fold.