Unless you've seen them first hand its easy to dismiss it.
Yeah there does appear to be increased activity. The frequency at which these things are being seen at military sites is concerning.None at this level tho
At one time in multiple cities
Theses are good questions, but I don’t have good answers.I'm just engaging here....
1. Do these aliens purportedly believe in God? Do they have a more spiritual connection? If not, how do they believe they got here?
2. Do they ever die? Do they believe in life after death?
3. How do they exist here in our atmosphere/environment when our bodies are adapted to this planet?
4. Are they capable of being injured physically by us humans?like if we stabbed or shoot them?
Yes…You’re talking about a species that has inter dimensional and/or light speed travel, but their IQ might be closer to humanity.
No more of this shyt. Need more “news” and videos.
I’m not the one trying to converse with these dudes all day. It’s all opinionI'm not refuting any of that. Im just asking that you all take it elsewhere.
Intelligence and knowledge go hand in hand.Yes…
You're misinterpreting knowledge with intelligence or how someone thinks.
You have a cell phone… average scientist from 1 hundred years ago is not going to know how it works…
But YOU don’t know how it works either (or barely if that) unless you are a cellphone engineer/technician through all phases of development… and thats just one kind of phone too. But you know how to OPERATE it and that scientist doesn't…
But I’m confident that if you put a cellphone in the hands of someone like Nikola Tesla… then he could probably tell you how it works if given time to study it. Maybe even build his own version if materials are available now.
Do you get what I mean? Most people can operate a car, not build one.
Quiet interesting to giggle like a school girl just because YOU do not understand something. And again, all hypotheticals … just a lot of time to understand basic ideas that aren’t even always mines…
They are old if existing.. I’m sure they have much more knowledge. Doesn’t mean the AVERAGE population is intelligent. We are not more intelligent than past civilizations entirely imo… we just got better technology still doing dumb shyt.
how to pronounce intelligence - Google Search
- 1.
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
"an eminent man of great intelligence
Intelligence and knowledge go hand and hand.
Just because I can’t build a cellphone doesn’t mean anything because I have no interest in it, BUT if I did I’m sure I could make one.
There are reports aliens are telepathic, can “freeze” people, and make people forget, but they’re just barely more intelligent than us, huh?
It’s just dumb to say they’re just above our level of intelligence when these UFOs can defy human level technology. The real question to ask is if aliens have ethics and values like us.
While related, "knowledge" refers to the collection of information and facts a person has acquired, while "intelligence" represents the ability to apply that knowledge to solve problems, think critically, and adapt to new situations; essentially, knowledge is what you know, and intelligence is how well you can use what you know.
You’re the one who started a whole new argument when I just said my peace on how aliens could be. I never asked you a question regarding it.I made sure I checked what I said before I posted it
So do you nikka, idgaf what you think and never asked. It’s clear you want attention and to argue… but nikkas cry when I call yall fakkits like the actions don’t match.
Also, blocked as well since you just going to keep mentioning and quoting
Not sure where this is going, but I’ll bite and if they exist I don’t think they're malevolent at all. They might have good and bad apples like we do. And then, what is the definition of good to