If you post videos this long you have to give us a summary from now on.
If you saw my posts, thats the summary.
Thats the cliffs. Maybe someone you all can see that has worked for 3-letter Agencies can explain why the military doesn’t test over civilian populations, they wouldn’t test drones against themselves, it’s illegal to perform operations against Americans (and even if they do, it stays black. We have testing areas, so military would not test in civilian airspace when they have their own) etc.
It just goes into more details. If you want me to type all the details it defeats the point of you watching the vid and hearing it for yourself.
And, I am busy only paying attention as I run across it on breaks.
But I don’t think it’s a missing nuke, I don’t think it’s Iran, I am starting to think China w/ proxy is most probable, but still confused due to lack of information like everyone else.