Why are you projecting what you would do on a species that probably see us as ants?
But at the same time in order for a species to survive there are certain patterns that have to be present to allow it to thrive in nature, regard of what planet it's on
Fight or flight for example, being cautious of potential threats, ability to adapt over time, etc.
These are universal laws of nature so you gotta be extremely careful when dealing with anything that's potentially more advanced, physically or technically. We can at least plan for those possibilities.
if it was aliens (I don't believe they are) the government would be extremely careful before engaging, any mistake could be misinterpreted and expose weaknesses in us that could get us clapped. shyt would look like the beginning of
Mars Attacks
I'm glad I read 3body trilogy back in like 2017

space is a Dark Forest and I want no parts of it
Dark Forest Theory is basically saying all intelligent civilizations are hiding and not purposely advertising themselves to the rest of the universe because, if they are discovered, will have to either preemptively strike first to kill and ask questions later, or get killed themselves with the quickness

there's a finite amount of resources in the universe
Similar to predators in nature, it's instinctual for whatever species is at the top of the food chain to move like this
that's why there's no interaction between us and aliens, one of us would get mopped up and subjugated before we saw it coming
And their valuable diplomats would be the last ones to actually touch down

first wave would be researchers and elite military forces on the front lines