Idk how to embed this bs
Told yall. The orbs are the aliens. The drones are ours. The drones are there harassing people and buzzing around to keep you from seeing the orbs/keep them away from us
He said they below and above.
Thats the water base in the ocean. Also i saw the ISS has a catastrophic leak
Says he cant say why, but his post #demons
Also theres a cia report from russia saying russians shot one down once and the aliens jumped out, all of them conbined into a giant ball of light from 5 diff people and 23/25 soldiers were turned into STONE aka lots wife pillar of salt for looking at the destruction of sodom n gamora. The ones who didnt die werent looking.
Which also fits with those stone things outwest the indians say were people the “gods” turned to stone.

I’ve seen that look before. It’s a black soldier saying it too…
We will have to evacuate?
Evacuate and go where? Lol
That was the slow singing, flower bringing part