These mothafukkas are alive.
Google translation (I can't be bothered translating this shyt):
Malaysian Airlines Boeing passengers alive and under Kandahar , said " MK" , citing an unnamed source in the Russian special services. According to the latter , this version still adhere to the intelligence services of several countries.
According to the informant newspaper aimed hijacking , carried Pakistani terrorist steel 20 Asian Professionals , which are kept in a bunker on the Afghan- Pakistani border . The other passengers are in Afghanistan - they are divided into groups of seven people and placed in small houses .
Source Publishing argues that plane with a broken wing stands on a dirt road , where he made a hard landing.
Terrorist motivations are still unclear . According to one version , the capture of Chinese specialists needed criminals for bargaining with Beijing or Washington.
Add that search teams still found no trace of Boeing, missing exactly one month ago in the skies over Malaysia. We only know that the ship which flies flight Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, suddenly lost contact and sharply off course .
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Спецслужбы: Пассажиры малайзийского Boeing находятся под Кандагаром :: Происшествия ::