yea, i get a bunch of alerts every day too... i only check the coli on my laptop so it's not that i have it open on multiple devices... i doubt i'm a victim of the dap/undap trend because i haven't made very many recent posts to dap.... one day i got the red box saying i had 7 alerts... i'm like damn, a dude popular today... go to see what the alerts are and there are none at all.... this is quite annoying.... if i get alerts when there is no activity, it makes me think that when there is activity, i'm probably not getting that alert (ala ocmfII who got mentioned in a post, but wasn't alerted)....
edit: i forgot... some months ago i had this exact same issue... back then i discovered it was a dap from a group post... for example, if i made a post to one of the group boards i belong to, and someone dapped it, i would get an alert... when i click on the alerts it would show nothing... later on i would discover i had a dap to one of my group postings.... that doesn't seem to be the case now... but the alert system been bootleg.....