Devoted Joel Embiid hater
Cleveland has a lot of potiential as a football franchise
Cleveland has a lot of potiential as a football franchise
My man joe banner is part of the deal...
Personally I wouldn't spend that kind of money on an nfl franchise. I believe that prices/popularity are at a peak and the chickens will come home to roost on the concussion issue sooner rather than later.
The best buy in sports is an nba franchise, turn that ish into an international brand and eat!
Absolutely .. cause free agents just flock that way in order to sign.
Football ain't like the NBA. Yu put a good team out there, free agent will come.
Absolutely .. cause free agents just flock that way in order to sign.
I'm pretty sure they could have bought the etire CITY of cleveland for $1 Billion...
Absolutely .. cause free agents just flock that way in order to sign.
NFL players playing on non guaranteed contracts, and they JUST agreed to new CBA while owners are all billionaires