One of my friends works for this company. When he first explained it to a bunch of us, everyone in the group was like "Oh snap that's what's up man, get that paper".
Meanwhile me being the business major I had the

face on the entire time
And then as time goes on I see the logo all around the city and I'm like
And I didn't want to say anything and get called a hater but I'm glad my spidey sense alerted me to the shyt and this article as well as a number of articles about WeWork that have been dropping as of late, lets me know I was right to have some suspicions.
@hashmander You right and my boys talk about that shyt all the time how we gotta come up with an idea to finesse the fukk out of these people who clearly don't enjoy having millions of dollars and are willing to throw the shyt away on maybes and probably schemes.